# On Keyboard Input node > [!NOTE] > The On Keyboard Input [!include[nodes-note-manual](./snippets/input-manager/nodes-note-manual.md)] The On Keyboard Input node listens for a specified action on a keyboard key. [!include[nodes-desc-end](./snippets/input-manager/nodes-desc-end.md)] ![An image of the Graph window. An On Keyboard Input node displays with its details in the Graph Inspector.](images/vs-nodes-events-on-keyboard-input-node.png) ## Fuzzy finder category The On Keyboard Input node is in the **Events** > **Input** category in the fuzzy finder. ## Inputs The On Keyboard Input [!include[nodes-inputs](./snippets/nodes-inputs.md)]
Name Type Description
Key Key Code The name of the keyboard key the node listens to for an Input event. For a list of all available keys, see the KeyCode page's Properties section in the Unity User manual.
Action Press State The specific press state of the key that the node listens for.
Hold The user holds down the key.
Down The user presses the key.
Up The user releases the key.
## Additional node settings The On Keyboard Input [!include[nodes-additional-settings](./snippets/nodes-additional-settings.md)] [!include[nodes-coroutine](./snippets/nodes-coroutine.md)]
Name Type Description
## Outputs The On Keyboard Input [!include[nodes-single-output](./snippets/nodes-single-output.md)] [!include[nodes-input-output-trigger](./snippets/input-manager/nodes-input-output-trigger.md)]
Name Type Description
## Example graph usage In the following example, the On Keyboard Input node listens for when the user presses the **Space** key. When the user presses **Space**, the On Keyboard Input triggers the Transform Translate node and lifts the GameObject along its `Y` coordinate by `5` units. This makes the GameObject jump. ![An image of the Graph window. An On Keyboard Input node uses inline values to assign its Key as Space and its Action as Down. Its Trigger output port connects to the Invoke input port on a Transform Translate node. The Translate node uses an inline value of This for its Target, and an inline value of 5 for its Y input.](images/vs-nodes-events-on-keyboard-input-example.png) ![An image of the Game view. A cylinder and square sit on a plane, with a sphere lifted into the air between them.](images/vs-nodes-events-on-keyboard-input-example-2.png) ## Related nodes [!include[nodes-related](./snippets/nodes-related.md)] the On Keyboard Input node: - [On Button Input node](vs-nodes-events-on-button-input.md) - [On Mouse Down node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-down.md) - [On Mouse Drag node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-drag.md) - [On Mouse Enter node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-enter.md) - [On Mouse Exit node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-exit.md) - [On Mouse Input node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-input.md) - [On Mouse Over node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-over.md) - [On Mouse Up node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-up.md) - [On Mouse Up As Button node](vs-nodes-events-on-mouse-up-button.md)