# Add a Subgraph to a Script Graph A Subgraph is a Script Graph nested inside of another Script Graph. A Subgraph appears as a single node inside a parent Script Graph. For more information on the Subgraph node, see [Subgraph node](vs-nesting-subgraph-node.md). You can add a Subgraph to a Script Graph in two ways: create a new Script Graph, or add an existing Script Graph file. ## Add a new Subgraph to a Script Graph To add a new blank Subgraph to an existing Script Graph:
  1. [!include[with-graph-open-ff](./snippets/vs-with-graph-open-ff.md)]

  2. Go to Nesting.

  3. Select Subgraph to add a Subgraph node to the graph.

  4. Open the Graph Inspector.

  5. In the Graph Inspector, choose the source for the Subgraph:

  6. If you chose Graph:

    1. In the Graph Inspector, select New.

    2. Enter a name for the graph file.

    3. Choose where you want to save the graph file in the project.

    4. Select Save.

![An image of the Graph window, that displays a new blank Subgraph node added to a Script Graph](images/vs-blank-graph-subgraph-example.png) ## Add an existing Script Graph as a Subgraph To add an existing graph file as a Subgraph in a Script Graph: > [!NOTE] > You can't nest a Script Graph as a Subgraph in its own graph file. 1. [!include[with-graph-open-ff](./snippets/vs-with-graph-open-ff.md)] 1. Go to **Nesting**. 1. Select **Subgraph** to add the Subgraph node to the graph. 2. Open the [Graph Inspector](vs-interface-overview.md#the-graph-inspector). 1. In the Graph Inspector, set the **Source** to **Graph**. 3. Do one of the following: - In the **Graph** field, select the object picker (circle icon) and choose a compatible Script Graph from the project. - Click and drag a Script Graph file from the Project window and release on the **Graph** field. ![An image of the Graph window, that displays a new Subgraph node created from an existing Script Graph added to another Script Graph file.](images/vs-existing-graph-example-subgraph.png) > [!TIP] > For a faster way to add a Script Graph as a Subgraph: > - Click and drag a Script Graph asset from the Project window into the Graph Editor to automatically create a Subgraph node. > - Right-click to open the fuzzy finder. Go to **Graphs** and select a graph file. ## Next steps To open the new Subgraph and edit the graph, select **Edit Graph**. After you've added a Subgraph to a Script Graph, define its ports. For more information, see [Add a Trigger or Data port to a Script Graph](vs-nesting-add-triggers-data-graph.md).