using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; namespace UnityEngine.UI.Tests { public static class UIBehaviourExtensions { private static object InvokeMethodAndRethrow(Type type, Object obj, string methodName, params object[] args) { BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Default; flags |= BindingFlags.Public; flags |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; if (obj != null) flags |= BindingFlags.Instance; else flags |= BindingFlags.Static; MethodInfo method; try { // Attempt to get the method plainly at first method = type.GetMethod(methodName, flags); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { // If it's ambiguous, then attempt to get it using its params (though nulls would mess things up). method = type.GetMethod(methodName, flags, null, args.Select(a => a != null ? a.GetType() : null).Where(a => a != null).ToArray(), new ParameterModifier[0]); } Assert.NotNull(method, string.Format("Not method {0} found on object {1}", methodName, obj)); return method.Invoke(obj, args); } public static object InvokeMethodAndRethrow(Object obj, string methodName, params object[] args) { return InvokeMethodAndRethrow(typeof(T), obj, methodName, args); } public static object InvokeMethodAndRethrow(Object obj, string methodName, params object[] args) { return InvokeMethodAndRethrow(obj.GetType(), obj, methodName, args); } public static void InvokeOnEnable(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "OnEnable"); } public static void InvokeOnDisable(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "OnDisable"); } public static void InvokeAwake(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "Awake"); } public static void InvokeRebuild(this UIBehaviour behaviour, CanvasUpdate type) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "Rebuild", type); } public static void InvokeLateUpdate(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "LateUpdate"); } public static void InvokeUpdate(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "Update"); } public static void InvokeOnRectTransformDimensionsChange(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "OnRectTransformDimensionsChange"); } public static void InvokeOnCanvasGroupChanged(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "OnCanvasGroupChanged"); } public static void InvokeOnDidApplyAnimationProperties(this UIBehaviour behaviour) { InvokeMethodAndRethrow(behaviour, "OnDidApplyAnimationProperties"); } } public static class SelectableExtensions { public static void InvokeOnPointerDown(this Selectable selectable, PointerEventData data) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "OnPointerDown", data); } public static void InvokeOnPointerUp(this Selectable selectable, PointerEventData data) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "OnPointerUp", data); } public static void InvokeOnPointerEnter(this Selectable selectable, PointerEventData data) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "OnPointerEnter", data); } public static void InvokeOnPointerExit(this Selectable selectable, PointerEventData data) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "OnPointerExit", data); } public static void InvokeTriggerAnimation(this Selectable selectable, string triggerName) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "TriggerAnimation", triggerName); } public static void InvokeOnSelect(this Selectable selectable, string triggerName) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(selectable, "OnSelect", triggerName); } } public static class GraphicExtension { public static void InvokeOnPopulateMesh(this Graphic graphic, VertexHelper vh) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(graphic, "OnPopulateMesh", vh); } } public static class GraphicRaycasterExtension { public static void InvokeRaycast(Canvas canvas, Camera eventCamera, Vector2 pointerPosition, List results) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(null, "Raycast", canvas, eventCamera, pointerPosition, results); } } public static class ToggleGroupExtension { public static void InvokeValidateToggleIsInGroup(this ToggleGroup tgroup, Toggle toggle) { UIBehaviourExtensions.InvokeMethodAndRethrow(tgroup, "ValidateToggleIsInGroup", toggle); } } }