using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.UI { /// /// PropertyDrawer for [[SpriteState]]. /// This is a PropertyDrawer for SpriteState it is implemented using the standard unity PropertyDrawer framework. /// internal class SpriteDrawUtility { static Texture2D s_ContrastTex; // Returns a usable texture that looks like a high-contrast checker board. static Texture2D contrastTexture { get { if (s_ContrastTex == null) s_ContrastTex = CreateCheckerTex( new Color(0f, 0.0f, 0f, 0.5f), new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); return s_ContrastTex; } } // Create a checker-background texture. static Texture2D CreateCheckerTex(Color c0, Color c1) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(16, 16); = "[Generated] Checker Texture"; tex.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) tex.SetPixel(x, y, c1); for (int y = 8; y < 16; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) tex.SetPixel(x, y, c0); for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y) for (int x = 8; x < 16; ++x) tex.SetPixel(x, y, c0); for (int y = 8; y < 16; ++y) for (int x = 8; x < 16; ++x) tex.SetPixel(x, y, c1); tex.Apply(); tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; return tex; } // Create a gradient texture. static Texture2D CreateGradientTex() { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(1, 16); = "[Generated] Gradient Texture"; tex.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; Color c0 = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f); Color c1 = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.4f); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { float f = Mathf.Abs((i / 15f) * 2f - 1f); f *= f; tex.SetPixel(0, i, Color.Lerp(c0, c1, f)); } tex.Apply(); tex.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; return tex; } // Draws the tiled texture. Like GUI.DrawTexture() but tiled instead of stretched. static void DrawTiledTexture(Rect rect, Texture tex) { float u = rect.width / tex.width; float v = rect.height / tex.height; Rect texCoords = new Rect(0, 0, u, v); TextureWrapMode originalMode = tex.wrapMode; tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(rect, tex, texCoords); tex.wrapMode = originalMode; } // Draw the specified Image. public static void DrawSprite(Sprite sprite, Rect drawArea, Color color) { if (sprite == null) return; Texture2D tex = sprite.texture; if (tex == null) return; Rect outer = sprite.rect; Rect inner = outer; inner.xMin += sprite.border.x; inner.yMin += sprite.border.y; inner.xMax -= sprite.border.z; inner.yMax -= sprite.border.w; Vector4 uv4 = UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility.GetOuterUV(sprite); Rect uv = new Rect(uv4.x, uv4.y, uv4.z - uv4.x, uv4.w - uv4.y); Vector4 padding = UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility.GetPadding(sprite); padding.x /= outer.width; padding.y /= outer.height; padding.z /= outer.width; padding.w /= outer.height; DrawSprite(tex, drawArea, padding, outer, inner, uv, color, null); } // Draw the specified Image. public static void DrawSprite(Texture tex, Rect drawArea, Rect outer, Rect uv, Color color) { DrawSprite(tex, drawArea,, outer, outer, uv, color, null); } // Draw the specified Image. private static void DrawSprite(Texture tex, Rect drawArea, Vector4 padding, Rect outer, Rect inner, Rect uv, Color color, Material mat) { // Create the texture rectangle that is centered inside rect. Rect outerRect = drawArea; outerRect.width = Mathf.Abs(outer.width); outerRect.height = Mathf.Abs(outer.height); if (outerRect.width > 0f) { float f = drawArea.width / outerRect.width; outerRect.width *= f; outerRect.height *= f; } if (drawArea.height > outerRect.height) { outerRect.y += (drawArea.height - outerRect.height) * 0.5f; } else if (outerRect.height > drawArea.height) { float f = drawArea.height / outerRect.height; outerRect.width *= f; outerRect.height *= f; } if (drawArea.width > outerRect.width) outerRect.x += (drawArea.width - outerRect.width) * 0.5f; // Draw the background EditorGUI.DrawTextureTransparent(outerRect, null, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, outer.width / outer.height); // Draw the Image GUI.color = color; Rect paddedTexArea = new Rect( outerRect.x + outerRect.width * padding.x, outerRect.y + outerRect.height * padding.w, outerRect.width - (outerRect.width * (padding.z + padding.x)), outerRect.height - (outerRect.height * (padding.w + padding.y)) ); if (mat == null) { GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(paddedTexArea, tex, uv, true); } else { // NOTE: There is an issue in Unity that prevents it from clipping the drawn preview // using BeginGroup/EndGroup, and there is no way to specify a UV rect... EditorGUI.DrawPreviewTexture(paddedTexArea, tex, mat); } // Draw the border indicator lines GUI.BeginGroup(outerRect); { tex = contrastTexture; GUI.color = Color.white; if (inner.xMin != outer.xMin) { float x = (inner.xMin - outer.xMin) / outer.width * outerRect.width - 1; DrawTiledTexture(new Rect(x, 0f, 1f, outerRect.height), tex); } if (inner.xMax != outer.xMax) { float x = (inner.xMax - outer.xMin) / outer.width * outerRect.width - 1; DrawTiledTexture(new Rect(x, 0f, 1f, outerRect.height), tex); } if (inner.yMin != outer.yMin) { // GUI.DrawTexture is top-left based rather than bottom-left float y = (inner.yMin - outer.yMin) / outer.height * outerRect.height - 1; DrawTiledTexture(new Rect(0f, outerRect.height - y, outerRect.width, 1f), tex); } if (inner.yMax != outer.yMax) { float y = (inner.yMax - outer.yMin) / outer.height * outerRect.height - 1; DrawTiledTexture(new Rect(0f, outerRect.height - y, outerRect.width, 1f), tex); } } GUI.EndGroup(); } } }