# Standalone Input Module The module is designed to work as you would expect a controller / mouse input to work. Events for button presses, dragging, and similar are sent in response to input. The module sends pointer events to components as a mouse / input device is moved around, and uses the [Graphics Raycaster](script-GraphicRaycaster.md) and [Physics Raycaster](script-PhysicsRaycaster.md) to calculate which element is currently pointed at by a given pointer device. You can configure these raycasters to detect or ignore parts of your Scene, to suit your requirements. The module sends move events and submit / cancel events in response to Input tracked via the [Input](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-InputManager.html) window. This works for both keyboard and controller input. The tracked axis and keys can be configured in the module's inspector. ## Properties |**_Property:_** |**_Function:_** | |:---|:---| |__Horizontal Axis__ | Type the desired manager name for the horizontal axis button. | |__Vertical Axis__ | Type the desired manager name for the vertical axis. | |__Submit Button__ | Type the desired manager name for the Submit button. | |__Cancel Button__ | Type the desired manager name for the Cancel button. | |__Input Actions Per Second__ | Number of keyboard/controller inputs allowed per second. | |__Repeat Delay__ | Delay in seconds before the input actions per second repeat rate takes effect. | |__Force Module Active__ | Enable this property to force this __Standalone Input Module__ to be active. | ## Details The module uses: - Vertical / Horizontal axis for keyboard and controller navigation - Submit / Cancel button for sending submit and cancel events - Has a timeout between events to only allow a maximum number of events a second. The flow for the module is as follows - Send a Move event to the selected object if a valid axis from the Input window is entered - Send a submit or cancel event to the selected object if a submit or cancel button is pressed - Process Mouse input - If it is a new press - Send PointerEnter event (sent to every object up the hierarchy that can handle it) - Send PointerPress event - Cache the drag handler (first element in the hierarchy that can handle it) - Send BeginDrag event to the drag handler - Set the 'Pressed' object as Selected in the event system - If this is a continuing press - Process movment - Send DragEvent to the cached drag handler - Handle PointerEnter and PointerExit events if touch moves between objects - If this is a release - Send PointerUp event to the object that received the PointerPress - If the current hover object is the same as the PointerPress object send a PointerClick event - Send a Drop event if there was a drag handler cached - Send a EndDrag event to the cached drag handler - Process scroll wheel events