using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Timeline; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { class BindingTreeViewGUI : TreeViewGUI { const float k_RowRightOffset = 10; const float k_CurveColorIndicatorIconSize = 11; const float k_ColorIndicatorTopMargin = 3; static readonly Color s_KeyColorForNonCurves = new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.5f); static readonly Color s_ChildrenCurveLabelColor = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f); static readonly Color s_PhantomPropertyLabelColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1f); static readonly Texture2D s_DefaultScriptTexture = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIcon("cs Script Icon"); static readonly Texture2D s_TrackDefault = EditorGUIUtility.LoadIcon("UnityEngine/ScriptableObject Icon"); public float parentWidth { get; set; } public BindingTreeViewGUI(TreeViewController treeView) : base(treeView, true) { k_IconWidth = 13.0f; iconOverlayGUI += OnItemIconOverlay; } public override void OnRowGUI(Rect rowRect, TreeViewItem node, int row, bool selected, bool focused) { Color originalColor = GUI.color; bool leafNode = node.parent != null && != BindingTreeViewDataSource.RootID && != BindingTreeViewDataSource.GroupID; GUI.color = Color.white; if (leafNode) { CurveTreeViewNode curveNode = node as CurveTreeViewNode; if (curveNode != null && curveNode.bindings.Any() && curveNode.bindings.First().isPhantom) GUI.color = s_PhantomPropertyLabelColor; else GUI.color = s_ChildrenCurveLabelColor; } base.OnRowGUI(rowRect, node, row, selected, focused); GUI.color = originalColor; DoCurveColorIndicator(rowRect, node as CurveTreeViewNode); } protected override bool IsRenaming(int id) { return false; } public override bool BeginRename(TreeViewItem item, float delay) { return false; } static void DoCurveColorIndicator(Rect rect, CurveTreeViewNode node) { if (node == null) return; if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; Color originalColor = GUI.color; if (node.bindings.Length == 1 && !node.bindings[0].isPPtrCurve) GUI.color = CurveUtility.GetPropertyColor(node.bindings[0].propertyName); else GUI.color = s_KeyColorForNonCurves; Texture icon = CurveUtility.GetIconCurve(); rect = new Rect(rect.xMax - k_RowRightOffset - (k_CurveColorIndicatorIconSize / 2) - 5, rect.yMin + k_ColorIndicatorTopMargin + (rect.height - EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight) / 2, k_CurveColorIndicatorIconSize, k_CurveColorIndicatorIconSize); GUI.DrawTexture(rect, icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true, 1); GUI.color = originalColor; } protected override Texture GetIconForItem(TreeViewItem item) { var node = item as CurveTreeViewNode; if (node == null) return null; var type = node.iconType; if (type == null) return null; // track type icon if (typeof(TrackAsset).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { var icon = TrackResourceCache.GetTrackIconForType(type); return icon == s_TrackDefault ? s_DefaultScriptTexture : icon; } // custom clip icons always use the script texture if (typeof(PlayableAsset).IsAssignableFrom(type)) return s_DefaultScriptTexture; // this will return null for MonoBehaviours without a custom icon. // use the scripting icon instead return AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(type) ?? s_DefaultScriptTexture; } static void OnItemIconOverlay(TreeViewItem item, Rect rect) { var curveNodeItem = item as CurveTreeViewNode; if (curveNodeItem != null && curveNodeItem.iconOverlay != null) GUI.Label(rect, curveNodeItem.iconOverlay); } public override Vector2 GetTotalSize() { var originalSize = base.GetTotalSize(); originalSize.x = Mathf.Max(parentWidth, originalSize.x); return originalSize; } } }