using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditorInternal; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System; namespace UnityEditor.Performance.ProfileAnalyzer { internal class ProfileAnalyzer { public const int kDepthAll = -1; int m_Progress = 0; ProfilerFrameDataIterator m_frameData; List m_threadNames = new List(); ProfileAnalysis m_analysis; public ProfileAnalyzer() { } public void QuickScan() { var frameData = new ProfilerFrameDataIterator(); m_threadNames.Clear(); int frameIndex = 0; int threadCount = frameData.GetThreadCount(0); frameData.SetRoot(frameIndex, 0); Dictionary threadNameCount = new Dictionary(); for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threadCount; ++threadIndex) { frameData.SetRoot(frameIndex, threadIndex); var threadName = frameData.GetThreadName(); var groupName = frameData.GetGroupName(); threadName = ProfileData.GetThreadNameWithGroup(threadName, groupName); if (!threadNameCount.ContainsKey(threadName)) threadNameCount.Add(threadName, 1); else threadNameCount[threadName] += 1; string threadNameWithIndex = ProfileData.ThreadNameWithIndex(threadNameCount[threadName], threadName); threadNameWithIndex = ProfileData.CorrectThreadName(threadNameWithIndex); m_threadNames.Add(threadNameWithIndex); } frameData.Dispose(); } public List GetThreadNames() { return m_threadNames; } void CalculateFrameTimeStats(ProfileData data, out float median, out float mean, out float standardDeviation) { List frameTimes = new List(); for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < data.GetFrameCount(); frameIndex++) { var frame = data.GetFrame(frameIndex); float msFrame = frame.msFrame; frameTimes.Add(msFrame); } frameTimes.Sort(); median = frameTimes[frameTimes.Count / 2]; double total = 0.0f; foreach (float msFrame in frameTimes) { total += msFrame; } mean = (float)(total / (double)frameTimes.Count); if (frameTimes.Count <= 1) { standardDeviation = 0f; } else { total = 0.0f; foreach (float msFrame in frameTimes) { float d = msFrame - mean; total += (d * d); } total /= (frameTimes.Count - 1); standardDeviation = (float)Math.Sqrt(total); } } int GetClampedOffsetToFrame(ProfileData profileData, int frameIndex) { int frameOffset = profileData.DisplayFrameToOffset(frameIndex); if (frameOffset < 0) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Frame index {0} offset {1} < 0, clamping", frameIndex, frameOffset)); frameOffset = 0; } if (frameOffset >= profileData.GetFrameCount()) { Debug.Log(string.Format("Frame index {0} offset {1} >= frame count {2}, clamping", frameIndex, frameOffset, profileData.GetFrameCount())); frameOffset = profileData.GetFrameCount() - 1; } return frameOffset; } public static bool MatchThreadFilter(string threadNameWithIndex, List threadFilters) { if (threadFilters == null || threadFilters.Count == 0) return false; if (threadFilters.Contains(threadNameWithIndex)) return true; return false; } public bool IsNullOrWhiteSpace(string s) { // return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentMarker); if (s == null || Regex.IsMatch(s, @"^[\s]*$")) return true; return false; } public void RemoveMarkerTimeFromParents(MarkerData[] markers, ProfileData profileData, ProfileThread threadData, int markerAt) { // Get the info for the marker we plan to remove (assume thats what we are at) ProfileMarker profileMarker = threadData.markers[markerAt]; float markerTime = profileMarker.msMarkerTotal; // Traverse parents and remove time from them int currentDepth = profileMarker.depth; for (int parentMarkerAt = markerAt - 1; parentMarkerAt >= 0; parentMarkerAt--) { ProfileMarker parentMarkerData = threadData.markers[parentMarkerAt]; if (parentMarkerData.depth == currentDepth - 1) { currentDepth--; if (parentMarkerData.nameIndex < markers.Length) // Had an issue where marker not yet processed(marker from another thread) { MarkerData parentMarker = markers[parentMarkerData.nameIndex]; // If a depth slice is applied we may not have a parent marker stored if (parentMarker != null) { // Revise the duration of parent to remove time from there too // Note if the marker to remove is nested (i.e. parent of the same name, this could reduce the msTotal, more than we add to the timeIgnored) parentMarker.msTotal -= markerTime; // Reduce from the max marker time too // This could be incorrect when there are many instances that contribute the the total time if (parentMarker.msMaxIndividual > markerTime) { parentMarker.msMaxIndividual -= markerTime; } if (parentMarker.msMinIndividual > markerTime) { parentMarker.msMinIndividual -= markerTime; } // Revise stored frame time FrameTime frameTime = parentMarker.frames[parentMarker.frames.Count - 1]; frameTime = new FrameTime(frameTime.frameIndex, - markerTime, frameTime.count); parentMarker.frames[parentMarker.frames.Count - 1] = frameTime; // Note that we have modified the time parentMarker.timeRemoved += markerTime; // Note markerTime can be 0 in some cases. // Make sure timeRemoved is never left at 0.0 // This makes sure we can test for non zero to indicate the marker has been removed if (parentMarker.timeRemoved == 0.0) parentMarker.timeRemoved = double.Epsilon; } } } } } public int RemoveMarker(ProfileThread threadData, int markerAt) { ProfileMarker profileMarker = threadData.markers[markerAt]; int at = markerAt; // skip marker at++; // Skip children int currentDepth = profileMarker.depth; while (at < threadData.markers.Count) { profileMarker = threadData.markers[at]; if (profileMarker.depth <= currentDepth) break; at++; } // Mark the following number to be ignored int markerAndChildCount = at - markerAt; return markerAndChildCount; } public ProfileAnalysis Analyze(ProfileData profileData, List selectionIndices, List threadFilters, int depthFilter, bool selfTimes = false, string parentMarker = null, float timeScaleMax = 0, string removeMarker = null) { m_Progress = 0; if (profileData == null) { return null; } if (profileData.GetFrameCount() <= 0) { return null; } int frameCount = selectionIndices.Count; if (frameCount < 0) { return null; } if (profileData.HasFrames && !profileData.HasThreads) { if (!ProfileData.Load(profileData.FilePath, out profileData)) { return null; } } bool processMarkers = (threadFilters != null); ProfileAnalysis analysis = new ProfileAnalysis(); if (selectionIndices.Count > 0) analysis.SetRange(selectionIndices[0], selectionIndices[selectionIndices.Count - 1]); else analysis.SetRange(0, 0); m_threadNames.Clear(); int maxMarkerDepthFound = 0; var threads = new Dictionary(); var markers = new MarkerData[profileData.MarkerNameCount]; var removedMarkers = new Dictionary(); var mainThreadIdentifier = new ThreadIdentifier("Main Thread", 1); int markerCount = 0; bool filteringByParentMarker = false; int parentMarkerIndex = -1; if (!IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentMarker)) { // Returns -1 if this marker doesn't exist in the data set parentMarkerIndex = profileData.GetMarkerIndex(parentMarker); filteringByParentMarker = true; } int at = 0; foreach (int frameIndex in selectionIndices) { int frameOffset = profileData.DisplayFrameToOffset(frameIndex); var frameData = profileData.GetFrame(frameOffset); if (frameData == null) continue; var msFrame = frameData.msFrame; if (processMarkers) { // get the file reader in case we need to rebuild the markers rather than opening // the file for every marker for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < frameData.threads.Count; threadIndex++) { float msTimeOfMinDepthMarkers = 0.0f; float msIdleTimeOfMinDepthMarkers = 0.0f; var threadData = frameData.threads[threadIndex]; var threadNameWithIndex = profileData.GetThreadName(threadData); ThreadData thread; if (!threads.ContainsKey(threadNameWithIndex)) { m_threadNames.Add(threadNameWithIndex); thread = new ThreadData(threadNameWithIndex); analysis.AddThread(thread); threads[threadNameWithIndex] = thread; // Update threadsInGroup for all thread records of the same group name foreach (var threadAt in threads.Values) { if (threadAt == thread) continue; if (thread.threadGroupName == threadAt.threadGroupName) { threadAt.threadsInGroup += 1; thread.threadsInGroup += 1; } } } else { thread = threads[threadNameWithIndex]; } bool include = MatchThreadFilter(threadNameWithIndex, threadFilters); int parentMarkerDepth = -1; if (threadData.markers.Count != threadData.markerCount) { if (!threadData.ReadMarkers(profileData.FilePath)) { Debug.LogError("failed to read markers"); } } int markerAndChildCount = 0; for (int markerAt = 0, n = threadData.markers.Count; markerAt < n; markerAt++) { var markerData = threadData.markers[markerAt]; if (markerAndChildCount > 0) markerAndChildCount--; string markerName = null; float ms = markerData.msMarkerTotal - (selfTimes ? markerData.msChildren : 0); var markerDepth = markerData.depth; if (markerDepth > maxMarkerDepthFound) maxMarkerDepthFound = markerDepth; if (markerDepth == 1) { markerName = profileData.GetMarkerName(markerData); if (markerName.Equals("Idle", StringComparison.Ordinal)) msIdleTimeOfMinDepthMarkers += ms; else msTimeOfMinDepthMarkers += ms; } if (removeMarker != null) { if (markerAndChildCount <= 0) // If we are already removing markers - don't focus on other occurances in the children { if (markerName == null) markerName = profileData.GetMarkerName(markerData); if (markerName == removeMarker) { float removeMarkerTime = markerData.msMarkerTotal; // Remove this markers time from frame time (if its on the main thread) if (thread.threadNameWithIndex == mainThreadIdentifier.threadNameWithIndex) { msFrame -= removeMarkerTime; } if (selfTimes == false) // (Self times would not need thread or parent adjustments) { // And from thread time if (markerName == "Idle") msIdleTimeOfMinDepthMarkers -= removeMarkerTime; else msTimeOfMinDepthMarkers -= removeMarkerTime; // And from parents RemoveMarkerTimeFromParents(markers, profileData, threadData, markerAt); } markerAndChildCount = RemoveMarker(threadData, markerAt); } } } if (!include) continue; // If only looking for markers below the parent if (filteringByParentMarker) { // If found the parent marker if (markerData.nameIndex == parentMarkerIndex) { // And we are not already below the parent higher in the depth tree if (parentMarkerDepth < 0) { // record the parent marker depth parentMarkerDepth = markerData.depth; } } else { // If we are now above or beside the parent marker then we are done for this level if (markerData.depth <= parentMarkerDepth) { parentMarkerDepth = -1; } } if (parentMarkerDepth < 0) continue; } if (depthFilter != kDepthAll && markerDepth != depthFilter) continue; MarkerData marker = markers[markerData.nameIndex]; if (marker != null) { if (!marker.threads.Contains(threadNameWithIndex)) marker.threads.Add(threadNameWithIndex); } else { if (markerName == null) markerName = profileData.GetMarkerName(markerData); marker = new MarkerData(markerName); marker.firstFrameIndex = frameIndex; marker.minDepth = markerDepth; marker.maxDepth = markerDepth; marker.threads.Add(threadNameWithIndex); analysis.AddMarker(marker); markers[markerData.nameIndex] = marker; markerCount += 1; } marker.count += 1; if (markerAndChildCount > 0) { marker.timeIgnored += ms; // Note ms can be 0 in some cases. // Make sure timeIgnored is never left at 0.0 // This makes sure we can test for non zero to indicate the marker has been ignored if (marker.timeIgnored == 0.0) marker.timeIgnored = double.Epsilon; // zero out removed marker time // so we don't record in the individual marker times, marker frame times or min/max times // ('min/max times' is calculated later from marker frame times) ms = 0f; } marker.msTotal += ms; // Individual marker time (not total over frame) if (ms < marker.msMinIndividual) { marker.msMinIndividual = ms; marker.minIndividualFrameIndex = frameIndex; } if (ms > marker.msMaxIndividual) { marker.msMaxIndividual = ms; marker.maxIndividualFrameIndex = frameIndex; } // Record highest depth foun if (markerDepth < marker.minDepth) marker.minDepth = markerDepth; if (markerDepth > marker.maxDepth) marker.maxDepth = markerDepth; FrameTime frameTime; if (frameIndex != marker.lastFrame) { marker.presentOnFrameCount += 1; frameTime = new FrameTime(frameIndex, ms, 1); marker.frames.Add(frameTime); marker.lastFrame = frameIndex; } else { frameTime = marker.frames[marker.frames.Count - 1]; frameTime = new FrameTime(frameTime.frameIndex, + ms, frameTime.count + 1); marker.frames[marker.frames.Count - 1] = frameTime; } } if (include) thread.frames.Add(new ThreadFrameTime(frameIndex, msTimeOfMinDepthMarkers, msIdleTimeOfMinDepthMarkers)); } } analysis.UpdateSummary(frameIndex, msFrame); at++; m_Progress = (100 * at) / frameCount; } analysis.GetFrameSummary().totalMarkers = profileData.MarkerNameCount; analysis.Finalise(timeScaleMax, maxMarkerDepthFound); /* foreach (int frameIndex in selectionIndices) { int frameOffset = profileData.DisplayFrameToOffset(frameIndex); var frameData = profileData.GetFrame(frameOffset); foreach (var threadData in frameData.threads) { var threadNameWithIndex = profileData.GetThreadName(threadData); if (filterThreads && threadFilter != threadNameWithIndex) continue; const bool enterChildren = true; foreach (var markerData in threadData.markers) { var markerName =; var ms = markerData.msFrame; var markerDepth = markerData.depth; if (depthFilter != kDepthAll && markerDepth != depthFilter) continue; MarkerData marker = markers[markerName]; bucketIndex = (range > 0) ? (int)(((marker.buckets.Length-1) * (ms - first)) / range) : 0; if (bucketIndex<0 || bucketIndex > (marker.buckets.Length - 1)) { // This can happen if a single marker range is longer than the frame start end (which could occur if running on a separate thread) // Debug.Log(string.Format("Marker {0} : {1}ms exceeds range {2}-{3} on frame {4}",, ms, first, last, frameIndex)); if (bucketIndex > (marker.buckets.Length - 1)) bucketIndex = (marker.buckets.Length - 1); else bucketIndex = 0; } marker.individualBuckets[bucketIndex] += 1; } } } */ m_Progress = 100; return analysis; } public int GetProgress() { return m_Progress; } } }