using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Video; namespace UnityEditor.Performance.ProfileAnalyzer { [Serializable] public class DepthSliceUI { [SerializeField] int m_DepthFilter = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; public int depthFilter {get { return m_DepthFilter; }} [SerializeField] int m_DepthFilter1 = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; public int depthFilter1 {get { return m_DepthFilter1; }} [SerializeField] int m_DepthFilter2 = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; public int depthFilter2 {get { return m_DepthFilter2; }} [SerializeField] bool m_DepthFilterAuto = true; [SerializeField] int m_MostCommonDepthDiff = 0; int mostCommonDepthDiff { set { if (m_MostCommonDepthDiff != value) { m_MostCommonDepthDiff = value; UpdateAutoDepthTitleText(); } } get { return m_MostCommonDepthDiff; } } void UpdateAutoDepthTitleText() { ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.autoDepthTitle.text = string.Format(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.autoDepthTitleText, mostCommonDepthDiff); } Action<bool> m_UpdateActiveTabCallback = null; public DepthSliceUI(Action<bool> updateActiveTabCallback) { m_UpdateActiveTabCallback = updateActiveTabCallback; UpdateAutoDepthTitleText(); } public void OnEnable(Action<bool> updateActiveTabCallback) { m_UpdateActiveTabCallback = updateActiveTabCallback; UpdateAutoDepthTitleText(); } enum ViewType { Single, Left, Right, Locked, } void DrawDepthFilterDropdown(GUIContent title, bool enabled, ProfileDataView view, Action<int, int, int> callback, ViewType viewType, ProfileDataView profileSingleView, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { if(title !=null) EditorGUILayout.LabelField(title, GUILayout.Width(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.LayoutSize.FilterOptionsEnumWidth)); int depthFilter = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; int depthFilterOther = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; var maxDepth = view.GetMaxDepth(); var maxDepthLeft = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; var maxDepthRight = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; var oldDepthFilter = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; var oldDepthFilterOtherLocked = ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll; var depthDiff = mostCommonDepthDiff; GUIContent content; switch (viewType) { case ViewType.Single: oldDepthFilter = m_DepthFilter; depthFilter = m_DepthFilter = m_DepthFilter == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll ? ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll : profileSingleView.ClampToValidDepthValue(m_DepthFilter); content = new GUIContent(DepthFilterToString(depthFilter)); depthFilterOther = depthFilter; depthDiff = 0; break; case ViewType.Left: oldDepthFilter = m_DepthFilter1; depthFilter = m_DepthFilter1 = m_DepthFilter1 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll ? ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll : profileLeftView.ClampToValidDepthValue(m_DepthFilter1); content = new GUIContent(DepthFilterToString(depthFilter)); depthFilterOther = depthFilter; break; case ViewType.Right: oldDepthFilter = m_DepthFilter2; depthFilter = m_DepthFilter2 = m_DepthFilter2 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll ? ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll : profileRightView.ClampToValidDepthValue(m_DepthFilter2); content = new GUIContent(DepthFilterToString(depthFilter)); depthFilterOther = depthFilter; break; case ViewType.Locked: oldDepthFilter = m_DepthFilter1; oldDepthFilterOtherLocked = m_DepthFilter2; maxDepth = maxDepthLeft = profileLeftView.GetMaxDepth(); maxDepthRight = profileRightView.GetMaxDepth(); ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref m_DepthFilter1, ref m_DepthFilter2, profileLeftView, profileRightView); depthFilter = m_DepthFilter1; depthFilterOther = m_DepthFilter2; content = new GUIContent(DepthFilterToString(m_DepthFilter1, m_DepthFilter2, mostCommonDepthDiff < 0)); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var lastEnabled = GUI.enabled; GUI.enabled = enabled; var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(content, EditorStyles.popup, GUILayout.MinWidth(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.LayoutSize.FilterOptionsEnumWidth)); if (GUI.Button(rect, content, EditorStyles.popup)) { var dropdown = new DepthSliceDropdown(maxDepth, depthFilter, depthFilterOther, (slice, left, right) => { if (slice != depthFilter || (viewType == ViewType.Locked && (left != m_DepthFilter1 || right != m_DepthFilter2))) { callback(slice, left, right); UpdateDepthFilters(viewType == ViewType.Single, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); m_UpdateActiveTabCallback(true); } }, depthDiff, maxDepthRight); dropdown.Show(rect); EditorGUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } else { // The depths can change because the data changed, not just because the user selected a different option in the dropdown // in that case, the depth filters need to perform a refresh if(oldDepthFilter != depthFilter || viewType == ViewType.Locked && oldDepthFilterOtherLocked != depthFilterOther) { UpdateDepthFilters(viewType == ViewType.Single, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); m_UpdateActiveTabCallback(true); } } GUI.enabled = lastEnabled; } int CalcSliceMenuEntryIndex(int filterDepthLeft, int filterDepthRight, int leftMax, int rightMax) { return mostCommonDepthDiff > 0 ? filterDepthRight + Math.Max(0, filterDepthLeft - rightMax + (rightMax > 0 ? mostCommonDepthDiff : filterDepthLeft > 0 ? 1 : 0)) : filterDepthLeft + Math.Max(0, filterDepthRight - leftMax - (leftMax > 0 ? mostCommonDepthDiff : filterDepthRight > 0 ? -1 :0)); } void CalcAutoSlicesFromMenuEntryIndex(int depthSlcieMenuEntryIndex, ref int filterDepthLeft, ref int filterDepthRight, int leftMax, int rightMax) { if (mostCommonDepthDiff > 0) { filterDepthRight = Mathf.Clamp(depthSlcieMenuEntryIndex, 1, rightMax); filterDepthLeft = Mathf.Clamp(depthSlcieMenuEntryIndex - (rightMax > 0 ? mostCommonDepthDiff : 0), 1, leftMax); } else { filterDepthLeft = Mathf.Clamp(depthSlcieMenuEntryIndex, 1, leftMax); filterDepthRight = Mathf.Clamp(depthSlcieMenuEntryIndex + (leftMax > 0 ? mostCommonDepthDiff : 0), 1, rightMax); } // if a side has no depth, only allow All if (leftMax <= 0) filterDepthLeft = -1; if (rightMax <= 0) filterDepthRight = -1; } void ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref int filterDepthLeft, ref int filterDepthRight, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { if (filterDepthLeft == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll && filterDepthRight == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll) { // nothing to do here, keep showing all return; } var leftMax = profileLeftView.GetMaxDepth(); var rightMax = profileRightView.GetMaxDepth(); var sliceMenuEntryIndex = CalcSliceMenuEntryIndex(filterDepthLeft, filterDepthRight, leftMax, rightMax); CalcAutoSlicesFromMenuEntryIndex(sliceMenuEntryIndex, ref filterDepthLeft, ref filterDepthRight, leftMax, rightMax); } internal void DrawDepthFilter(bool isAnalysisRunning, bool singleView, ProfileDataView profileSingleView, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { bool lastEnabled = GUI.enabled; bool enabled = !isAnalysisRunning; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (singleView) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.depthTitle, GUILayout.Width(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.LayoutSize.FilterOptionsLeftLabelWidth)); DrawDepthFilterDropdown(null, enabled, profileSingleView, (primary, left, right) => m_DepthFilter = primary, ViewType.Single, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.depthTitle, GUILayout.Width(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.LayoutSize.FilterOptionsLeftLabelWidth)); if (m_DepthFilterAuto) { DrawDepthFilterDropdown(null, enabled, profileLeftView, (primary, left, right) => { m_DepthFilter1 = left; m_DepthFilter2 = right; ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref m_DepthFilter1, ref m_DepthFilter2, profileLeftView, profileRightView); }, ViewType.Locked, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); } else { DrawDepthFilterDropdown(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.leftDepthTitle, enabled, profileLeftView, (primary, left, right) => m_DepthFilter1 = primary, ViewType.Left, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); DrawDepthFilterDropdown(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.rightDepthTitle, enabled && !m_DepthFilterAuto, profileRightView, (primary, left, right) => m_DepthFilter2 = primary, ViewType.Right, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); } bool lastDepthFilterLock = m_DepthFilterAuto; GUI.enabled = enabled; m_DepthFilterAuto = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.autoDepthTitle, m_DepthFilterAuto); GUI.enabled = lastEnabled; if (m_DepthFilterAuto != lastDepthFilterLock) { if (UpdateDepthFilters(singleView, profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView)) m_UpdateActiveTabCallback(true); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } internal bool UpdateDepthFilters(bool singleView, ProfileDataView profileSingleView, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { bool changed = false; if (!singleView) { // First respect the auto flag if (UpdateAutoDepthFilter(profileLeftView, profileRightView)) changed = true; // Make sure Single matches the updated comparison view if (profileLeftView.path == profileSingleView.path) { // Use same filter on single view if its the same file if (m_DepthFilter != m_DepthFilter1) { m_DepthFilter = m_DepthFilter1; changed = true; } } if (profileRightView.path == profileSingleView.path) { // Use same filter on single view if its the same file if (m_DepthFilter != m_DepthFilter2) { m_DepthFilter = m_DepthFilter2; changed = true; } } } else { // Make sure comparisons match updated single view if (profileLeftView.path == profileSingleView.path) { // Use same filter on comparison left view if its the same file if (m_DepthFilter1 != m_DepthFilter) { m_DepthFilter1 = m_DepthFilter; changed = true; } if (m_DepthFilterAuto) { var newDepthFilter2 = m_DepthFilter; ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref m_DepthFilter1, ref newDepthFilter2, profileLeftView, profileRightView); if (m_DepthFilter2 != newDepthFilter2) { m_DepthFilter2 = newDepthFilter2; changed = true; } if (UpdateAutoDepthFilter(profileLeftView, profileRightView)) changed = true; } if (UpdateAutoDepthFilter(profileLeftView, profileRightView)) changed = true; } if (profileRightView.path == profileSingleView.path) { // Use same filter on comparison right view if its the same file if (m_DepthFilter2 != m_DepthFilter) { m_DepthFilter2 = m_DepthFilter; changed = true; } if (m_DepthFilterAuto) { var newDepthFilter1 = m_DepthFilter; ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref newDepthFilter1, ref m_DepthFilter2, profileLeftView, profileRightView); if (m_DepthFilter1 != newDepthFilter1) { m_DepthFilter1 = newDepthFilter1; changed = true; } if (UpdateAutoDepthFilter(profileLeftView, profileRightView)) changed = true; } } } return changed; } int CalculateDepthDifference(ProfileAnalysis leftAnalysis, ProfileAnalysis rightAnalysis, List<MarkerPairing> pairings) { if (pairings.Count <= 0) { mostCommonDepthDiff = 0; return 0; } var leftMarkers = leftAnalysis.GetMarkers(); var rightMarkers = rightAnalysis.GetMarkers(); int totalCount = 0; Dictionary<int, int> depthDifferences = new Dictionary<int, int>(); foreach (var pairing in pairings) { if (pairing.leftIndex >= 0 && pairing.rightIndex >= 0) { MarkerData leftMarker = leftMarkers[pairing.leftIndex]; MarkerData rightMarker = rightMarkers[pairing.rightIndex]; int markerDepthDiff = rightMarker.minDepth - leftMarker.minDepth; int value = 0; depthDifferences.TryGetValue(markerDepthDiff, out value); depthDifferences[markerDepthDiff] = value + 1; totalCount += 1; } } var newDepthDiff = 0; // Find most common depth difference int maxCount = 0; foreach (var diff in depthDifferences.Keys) { if (depthDifferences[diff] > maxCount) { maxCount = depthDifferences[diff]; newDepthDiff = diff; } } return mostCommonDepthDiff = newDepthDiff; } bool UpdateAutoDepthFilter(ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { if (m_DepthFilterAuto) { var newDepthFilter1 = m_DepthFilter1; var newDepthFilter2 = m_DepthFilter2; ClampDepthFilterForAutoRespectingDiff(ref newDepthFilter1, ref newDepthFilter2, profileLeftView, profileRightView); if (m_DepthFilter1 != newDepthFilter1) { m_DepthFilter1 = newDepthFilter1; return true; } if (m_DepthFilter2 != newDepthFilter2) { m_DepthFilter2 = newDepthFilter2; return true; } } return false; } internal bool UpdateDepthForCompareSync(ProfileAnalysis leftAnalysis, ProfileAnalysis rightAnalysis, List<MarkerPairing> pairings, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView) { int originalDepthDiff = mostCommonDepthDiff; int newDepthDiff = CalculateDepthDifference(leftAnalysis, rightAnalysis, pairings); if (newDepthDiff != originalDepthDiff) { UpdateAutoDepthFilter(profileLeftView, profileRightView); return true; } return false; } internal GUIContent GetUIInfo(bool compare) { GUIContent info; if (compare && m_DepthFilter1 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll && m_DepthFilter2 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll || !compare && depthFilter == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll) { info = new GUIContent("(All depths)", string.Format("{0}\n\nSet depth 1 to get an overview of the frame", ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.medianFrameTooltip)); } else { if (compare && depthFilter1 != depthFilter2) { if (m_DepthFilter1 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll) info = new GUIContent(string.Format("(Filtered to 'all' depths in the first data set, and depth '{0}' in the second)", m_DepthFilter2), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.medianFrameTooltip); else if (m_DepthFilter2 == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll) info = new GUIContent(string.Format("(Filtered to depth '{0}' in the first data set, and 'all' depths in the second)", m_DepthFilter1), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.medianFrameTooltip); else info = new GUIContent(string.Format("(Filtered to depth '{0}' in the first data set, and depth '{1}' in the second)", m_DepthFilter1, depthFilter2), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.medianFrameTooltip); } else info = new GUIContent(string.Format("(Filtered to depth '{0}' only)", compare ? m_DepthFilter1 : depthFilter), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.medianFrameTooltip); } return info; } public static string DepthFilterToString(int depthFilter) { return depthFilter == ProfileAnalyzer.kDepthAll ? "All" : depthFilter.ToString(); } public static string DepthFilterToString(int depthSliceLeft, int depthSliceRight, bool leftIsMain) { if(depthSliceLeft != depthSliceRight) { if (leftIsMain) return string.Format("{0} ({1}{2})", DepthFilterToString(depthSliceLeft), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.rightDepthTitle.text, DepthFilterToString(depthSliceRight)); else return string.Format("{0} ({1}{2})", DepthFilterToString(depthSliceRight), ProfileAnalyzerWindow.Styles.leftDepthTitle.text, DepthFilterToString(depthSliceLeft)); } return DepthFilterToString(depthSliceLeft); } } }