using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { public abstract class StateTransitionWidget : NodeWidget, IStateTransitionWidget where TStateTransition : class, IStateTransition { protected StateTransitionWidget(StateCanvas canvas, TStateTransition transition) : base(canvas, transition) { } #region Model protected TStateTransition transition => element; protected IStateTransitionDebugData transitionDebugData => GetDebugData(); private StateTransitionDescription description; private StateTransitionAnalysis analysis => transition.Analysis(context); protected override void CacheDescription() { description = transition.Description(); label.text = description.label; label.image = description.icon?[IconSize.Small]; label.tooltip = description.tooltip; if (!revealLabel) { label.tooltip = label.text + ": " + label.tooltip; } Reposition(); } #endregion #region Lifecycle public override void BeforeFrame() { base.BeforeFrame(); if (showDroplets) { GraphGUI.UpdateDroplets(canvas, droplets, transitionDebugData.lastBranchFrame, ref lastBranchTime, ref dropTime); } if (currentInnerWidth != targetInnerWidth) { Reposition(); } } #endregion #region Contents private GUIContent label { get; } = new GUIContent(); #endregion #region Positioning private readonly List siblingStateTransitions = new List(); private Rect sourcePosition; private Rect destinationPosition; private Edge sourceEdge; private Edge entryEdge; private Edge exitEdge; private Edge destinationEdge; private Vector2 sourceEdgeCenter; private Vector2 entryEdgeCenter; private Vector2 exitEdgeCenter; private Vector2 destinationEdgeCenter; private Vector2 middle; private Rect _position; private Rect _clippingPosition; private float targetInnerWidth; private float currentInnerWidth; private bool revealInitialized; private float minBend { get { if (transition.source != transition.destination) { return 15; } else { return (middle.y - canvas.Widget(transition.source) / 2; } } } private float relativeBend => 1 / 4f; Edge IStateTransitionWidget.sourceEdge => sourceEdge; public override IEnumerable positionDependencies { get { yield return canvas.Widget(transition.source); yield return canvas.Widget(transition.destination); } } public override IEnumerable positionDependers { get { // Return all sibling transitions. This is an asymetrical dependency / depender // relation (because the siblings are not included in the dependers) to force // repositioning of siblings while avoiding stack overflow. foreach (var graphTransition in canvas.graph.transitions) { var current = transition == graphTransition; var analog = transition.source == graphTransition.source && transition.destination == graphTransition.destination; var inverted = transition.source == graphTransition.destination && transition.destination == graphTransition.source; if (!current && (analog || inverted)) { var widget = canvas.Widget(graphTransition); if (widget.isPositionValid) // Avoid stack overflow { yield return widget; } } } } } public Rect iconPosition { get; private set; } public Rect clipPosition { get; private set; } public Rect labelInnerPosition { get; private set; } public override Rect position { get { return _position; } set { } } public override Rect clippingPosition => _clippingPosition; public override void CachePositionFirstPass() { // Calculate the size immediately, because other transitions will rely on it for positioning targetInnerWidth = Styles.eventIcon.fixedWidth; var labelWidth = Styles.label.CalcSize(label).x; var labelHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; if (revealLabel) { targetInnerWidth += Styles.spaceAroundIcon; targetInnerWidth += labelWidth; } if (!revealInitialized) { currentInnerWidth = targetInnerWidth; revealInitialized = true; } currentInnerWidth = Mathf.Lerp(currentInnerWidth, targetInnerWidth, canvas.repaintDeltaTime * Styles.revealSpeed); if (Mathf.Abs(targetInnerWidth - currentInnerWidth) < 1) { currentInnerWidth = targetInnerWidth; } var innerWidth = currentInnerWidth; var innerHeight = labelHeight; var edgeSize = InnerToEdgePosition(new Rect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight)).size; var edgeWidth = edgeSize.x; var edgeHeight = edgeSize.y; _position.width = edgeWidth; _position.height = edgeHeight; } public override void CachePosition() { var innerWidth = innerPosition.width; var innerHeight = innerPosition.height; var edgeWidth = edgePosition.width; var edgeHeight = edgePosition.height; var labelWidth = Styles.label.CalcSize(label).x; var labelHeight = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight; sourcePosition = canvas.Widget(transition.source).position; destinationPosition = canvas.Widget(transition.destination).position; Vector2 sourceClosestPoint; Vector2 destinationClosestPoint; LudiqGUIUtility.ClosestPoints(sourcePosition, destinationPosition, out sourceClosestPoint, out destinationClosestPoint); if (transition.destination != transition.source) { GraphGUI.GetConnectionEdge ( sourceClosestPoint, destinationClosestPoint, out sourceEdge, out destinationEdge ); } else { sourceEdge = Edge.Right; destinationEdge = Edge.Left; } sourceEdgeCenter = sourcePosition.GetEdgeCenter(sourceEdge); destinationEdgeCenter = destinationPosition.GetEdgeCenter(destinationEdge); siblingStateTransitions.Clear(); var siblingIndex = 0; // Assign one common axis for transition for all siblings, // regardless of their inversion. The axis is arbitrarily // chosen as the axis for the first transition. var assignedTransitionAxis = false; var transitionAxis =; foreach (var graphTransition in canvas.graph.transitions) { var current = transition == graphTransition; var analog = transition.source == graphTransition.source && transition.destination == graphTransition.destination; var inverted = transition.source == graphTransition.destination && transition.destination == graphTransition.source; if (current) { siblingIndex = siblingStateTransitions.Count; } if (current || analog || inverted) { if (!assignedTransitionAxis) { var siblingStateTransitionDrawer = canvas.Widget(graphTransition); transitionAxis = siblingStateTransitionDrawer.sourceEdge.Normal(); assignedTransitionAxis = true; } siblingStateTransitions.Add(graphTransition); } } // Fix the edge case where the source and destination perfectly overlap if (transitionAxis == { transitionAxis = Vector2.right; } // Calculate the spread axis and origin for the set of siblings var spreadAxis = transitionAxis.Perpendicular1().Abs(); var spreadOrigin = (sourceEdgeCenter + destinationEdgeCenter) / 2; if (transition.source == transition.destination) { spreadAxis = Vector2.up; spreadOrigin = sourcePosition.GetEdgeCenter(Edge.Bottom) - Vector2.down * 10; } if (BoltCore.Configuration.developerMode && BoltCore.Configuration.debug) { Handles.BeginGUI(); Handles.color = Color.yellow; Handles.DrawLine(spreadOrigin + spreadAxis * -1000, spreadOrigin + spreadAxis * 1000); Handles.EndGUI(); } // Calculate the offset of the current sibling by iterating over its predecessors var spreadOffset = 0f; var previousSpreadSize = 0f; for (var i = 0; i <= siblingIndex; i++) { var siblingSize = canvas.Widget(siblingStateTransitions[i]).outerPosition.size; var siblingSizeProjection = GraphGUI.SizeProjection(siblingSize, spreadOrigin, spreadAxis); spreadOffset += previousSpreadSize / 2 + siblingSizeProjection / 2; previousSpreadSize = siblingSizeProjection; } if (transition.source != transition.destination) { // Calculate the total spread size to center the sibling set var totalSpreadSize = 0f; for (var i = 0; i < siblingStateTransitions.Count; i++) { var siblingSize = canvas.Widget(siblingStateTransitions[i]).outerPosition.size; var siblingSizeProjection = GraphGUI.SizeProjection(siblingSize, spreadOrigin, spreadAxis); totalSpreadSize += siblingSizeProjection; } spreadOffset -= totalSpreadSize / 2; } // Finally, calculate the positions middle = spreadOrigin + spreadOffset * spreadAxis; var edgeX = middle.x - edgeWidth / 2; var edgeY = middle.y - edgeHeight / 2; _position = new Rect ( edgeX, edgeY, edgeWidth, edgeHeight ).PixelPerfect(); var innerX = innerPosition.x; var innerY = innerPosition.y; _clippingPosition = _position.Encompass(sourceEdgeCenter).Encompass(destinationEdgeCenter); if (transition.source != transition.destination) { entryEdge = destinationEdge; exitEdge = sourceEdge; } else { entryEdge = sourceEdge; exitEdge = destinationEdge; } entryEdgeCenter = edgePosition.GetEdgeCenter(entryEdge); exitEdgeCenter = edgePosition.GetEdgeCenter(exitEdge); var x = innerX; iconPosition = new Rect ( x, innerY, Styles.eventIcon.fixedWidth, Styles.eventIcon.fixedHeight ).PixelPerfect(); x += iconPosition.width; var clipWidth = innerWidth - (x - innerX); clipPosition = new Rect ( x, edgeY, clipWidth, edgeHeight ).PixelPerfect(); labelInnerPosition = new Rect ( Styles.spaceAroundIcon, innerY - edgeY, labelWidth, labelHeight ).PixelPerfect(); } #endregion #region Drawing protected virtual NodeColorMix baseColor => NodeColor.Gray; protected override NodeColorMix color { get { if (transitionDebugData.runtimeException != null) { return NodeColor.Red; } var color = baseColor; if (analysis.warnings.Count > 0) { var mostSevereWarning = Warning.MostSevereLevel(analysis.warnings); switch (mostSevereWarning) { case WarningLevel.Error: color = NodeColor.Red; break; case WarningLevel.Severe: color = NodeColor.Orange; break; case WarningLevel.Caution: color = NodeColor.Yellow; break; } } if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { if (EditorApplication.isPaused) { if (EditorTimeBinding.frame == transitionDebugData.lastBranchFrame) { color = NodeColor.Blue; } } else { = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, (EditorTimeBinding.time - transitionDebugData.lastBranchTime) / StateWidget.Styles.enterFadeDuration); } } return color; } } protected override NodeShape shape => NodeShape.Hex; private bool revealLabel { get { switch (BoltState.Configuration.transitionsReveal) { case StateRevealCondition.Always: return true; case StateRevealCondition.Never: return false; case StateRevealCondition.OnHover: return isMouseOver; case StateRevealCondition.OnHoverWithAlt: return isMouseOver && e.alt; case StateRevealCondition.WhenSelected: return selection.Contains(transition); case StateRevealCondition.OnHoverOrSelected: return isMouseOver || selection.Contains(transition); case StateRevealCondition.OnHoverWithAltOrSelected: return isMouseOver && e.alt || selection.Contains(transition); default: throw new UnexpectedEnumValueException(BoltState.Configuration.transitionsReveal); } } } private bool revealedLabel; private void CheckReveal() { var revealLabel = this.revealLabel; if (revealLabel != revealedLabel) { Reposition(); } revealedLabel = revealLabel; } protected override bool dim { get { var dim = BoltCore.Configuration.dimInactiveNodes && !(transition.source.Analysis(context).isEntered && analysis.isTraversed); if (isMouseOver || isSelected) { dim = false; } return dim; } } public override void DrawForeground() { BeginDim(); base.DrawForeground(); GUI.Label(iconPosition, label, Styles.eventIcon); GUI.BeginClip(clipPosition); GUI.Label(labelInnerPosition, label, invertForeground ? Styles.labelInverted : Styles.label); GUI.EndClip(); EndDim(); CheckReveal(); } public override void DrawBackground() { BeginDim(); base.DrawBackground(); DrawConnection(); if (showDroplets) { DrawDroplets(); } EndDim(); } private void DrawConnection() { GraphGUI.DrawConnectionArrow(Color.white, sourceEdgeCenter, entryEdgeCenter, sourceEdge, entryEdge, relativeBend, minBend); if (BoltState.Configuration.transitionsEndArrow) { GraphGUI.DrawConnectionArrow(Color.white, exitEdgeCenter, destinationEdgeCenter, exitEdge, destinationEdge, relativeBend, minBend); } else { GraphGUI.DrawConnection(Color.white, exitEdgeCenter, destinationEdgeCenter, exitEdge, destinationEdge, null,, relativeBend, minBend); } } #endregion #region Selecting public override bool canSelect => true; #endregion #region Dragging public override bool canDrag => false; protected override bool snapToGrid => false; #endregion #region Deleting public override bool canDelete => true; #endregion #region Droplets private readonly List droplets = new List(); private float dropTime; private float lastBranchTime; protected virtual bool showDroplets => BoltState.Configuration.animateTransitions; protected virtual Vector2 GetDropletSize() { return BoltFlow.Icons.valuePortConnected?[12].Size() ?? 12 *; } protected virtual void DrawDroplet(Rect position) { GUI.DrawTexture(position, BoltFlow.Icons.valuePortConnected?[12]); } private void DrawDroplets() { foreach (var droplet in droplets) { Vector2 position; if (droplet < 0.5f) { var t = droplet / 0.5f; position = GraphGUI.GetPointOnConnection(t, sourceEdgeCenter, entryEdgeCenter, sourceEdge, entryEdge, relativeBend, minBend); } else { var t = (droplet - 0.5f) / 0.5f; position = GraphGUI.GetPointOnConnection(t, exitEdgeCenter, destinationEdgeCenter, exitEdge, destinationEdge, relativeBend, minBend); } var size = GetDropletSize(); using (LudiqGUI.color.Override(Color.white)) { DrawDroplet(new Rect(position.x - size.x / 2, position.y - size.y / 2, size.x, size.y)); } } } #endregion public static class Styles { static Styles() { label = new GUIStyle(BoltCore.Styles.nodeLabel); label.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; label.imagePosition = ImagePosition.TextOnly; labelInverted = new GUIStyle(label); labelInverted.normal.textColor = ColorPalette.unityBackgroundDark; eventIcon = new GUIStyle(); eventIcon.imagePosition = ImagePosition.ImageOnly; eventIcon.fixedHeight = 16; eventIcon.fixedWidth = 16; } public static readonly GUIStyle label; public static readonly GUIStyle labelInverted; public static readonly GUIStyle eventIcon; public static readonly float spaceAroundIcon = 5; public static readonly float revealSpeed = 15; } } }