using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [Analyser(typeof(IUnit))] public class UnitAnalyser : Analyser where TUnit : class, IUnit { public UnitAnalyser(GraphReference reference, TUnit target) : base(reference, target) { } public TUnit unit => target; [Assigns] protected bool IsEntered() { using (var recursion = Recursion.New(1)) { return IsEntered(unit, recursion); } } private static bool IsEntered(IUnit unit, Recursion recursion) { if (unit.isControlRoot) { return true; } foreach (var controlInput in unit.controlInputs) { if (!controlInput.isPredictable || controlInput.couldBeEntered) { return true; } } foreach (var valueOutput in unit.valueOutputs) { if (!recursion?.TryEnter(valueOutput) ?? false) { continue; } var valueOutputEntered = valueOutput.validConnections.Any(c => IsEntered(c.destination.unit, recursion)); recursion?.Exit(valueOutput); if (valueOutputEntered) { return true; } } return false; } private string PortLabel(IUnitPort port) { return port.Description().label; } [Assigns] protected virtual IEnumerable Warnings() { var isEntered = IsEntered(); if (!unit.isDefined) { if (unit.definitionException != null) { yield return Warning.Exception(unit.definitionException); } else if (!unit.canDefine) { yield return Warning.Caution("Node is not properly configured."); } } else if (unit is MissingType) { var formerType = $"{(unit as MissingType)?.formerType}"; formerType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(formerType) ? string.Empty : $"'{formerType}'"; yield return new ActionButtonWarning( WarningLevel.Error, $"The source script for this node type can't be found. Did you remove its script?\n" + $"Replace the node or add the {formerType} script file back to your project files.", "Replace Node", () => { UnitWidgetHelper.ReplaceUnit(unit, reference, context, context.selection, new EventWrapper(unit)); } ); yield break; } if (!isEntered) { yield return Warning.Info("Node is never entered."); } // Obsolete attribute is not inherited, so traverse the chain manually var obsoleteAttribute = unit.GetType().AndHierarchy().FirstOrDefault(t => t.HasAttribute())?.GetAttribute(); if (obsoleteAttribute != null) { var unitName = BoltFlowNameUtility.UnitTitle(unit.GetType(), true, false); if (obsoleteAttribute.Message != null) { Debug.LogWarning($"\"{unitName}\" node is deprecated: {obsoleteAttribute.Message}"); yield return Warning.Caution($"Deprecated: {obsoleteAttribute.Message}"); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"\"{unitName}\" node is deprecated."); yield return Warning.Caution("This node is deprecated."); } } if (unit.isDefined) { foreach (var invalidInput in unit.invalidInputs) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(invalidInput)} is not used by this unit."); } foreach (var invalidOutput in unit.invalidOutputs) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(invalidOutput)} is not provided by this unit."); } foreach (var validPort in unit.validPorts) { if (validPort.hasInvalidConnection) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(validPort)} has an invalid connection."); } } #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_TVOS if (unit is IMouseEventUnit) { var graphName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.graph.title) ? "A ScriptGraph" : $"The ScriptGraph {unit.graph.title}"; var unitName = BoltFlowNameUtility.UnitTitle(unit.GetType(), true, false); Debug.LogWarning($"{graphName} contains a {unitName} node. Presence of MouseEvent nodes might impact performance on handheld devices."); yield return Warning.Caution("Presence of MouseEvent nodes might impact performance on handheld devices."); } #endif } foreach (var controlInput in unit.controlInputs) { if (!controlInput.hasValidConnection) { continue; } foreach (var relation in controlInput.relations) { if (relation.source is ValueInput) { var valueInput = (ValueInput)relation.source; foreach (var warning in ValueInputWarnings(valueInput)) { yield return warning; } } } } foreach (var controlOutput in unit.controlOutputs) { if (!controlOutput.hasValidConnection) { continue; } var controlInputs = controlOutput.relations.Select(r => r.source).OfType(); var isTriggered = !controlInputs.Any() || controlInputs.Any(ci => !ci.isPredictable || ci.couldBeEntered); foreach (var relation in controlOutput.relations) { if (relation.source is ValueInput) { var valueInput = (ValueInput)relation.source; foreach (var warning in ValueInputWarnings(valueInput)) { yield return warning; } } } if (isEntered && !isTriggered) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(controlOutput)} is connected, but it is never triggered."); } } foreach (var valueOutput in unit.valueOutputs) { if (!valueOutput.hasValidConnection) { continue; } foreach (var relation in valueOutput.relations) { if (relation.source is ControlInput) { var controlInput = (ControlInput)relation.source; if (isEntered && controlInput.isPredictable && !controlInput.couldBeEntered) { yield return Warning.Severe($"{PortLabel(controlInput)} is required, but it is never entered."); } } else if (relation.source is ValueInput) { var valueInput = (ValueInput)relation.source; foreach (var warning in ValueInputWarnings(valueInput)) { yield return warning; } } } } } private IEnumerable ValueInputWarnings(ValueInput valueInput) { // We can disable null reference check if no self is available // and the port requires an owner, for example in macros. var trustFutureOwner = valueInput.nullMeansSelf && reference.self == null; var checkForNullReference = BoltFlow.Configuration.predictPotentialNullReferences && !valueInput.allowsNull && !trustFutureOwner; var checkForMissingComponent = BoltFlow.Configuration.predictPotentialMissingComponents && typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(valueInput.type); // Note that we cannot directly check the input's predicted value, because it // will return false for safeguard specifically because it might be missing requirements. // Therefore, we first check the connected value, then the default value. // If the port is connected to a predictable output, use the connected value to perform checks. if (valueInput.hasValidConnection) { var valueOutput = valueInput.validConnectedPorts.Single(); if (Flow.CanPredict(valueOutput, reference)) { if (checkForNullReference) { if (Flow.Predict(valueOutput, reference) == null) { yield return Warning.Severe($"{PortLabel(valueInput)} cannot be null."); } } if (checkForMissingComponent) { var connectedPredictedValue = Flow.Predict(valueOutput, reference); // This check is necessary, because the predicted value could be // incompatible as connections with non-guaranteed conversions are allowed. if (ConversionUtility.CanConvert(connectedPredictedValue, typeof(GameObject), true)) { var gameObject = ConversionUtility.Convert(connectedPredictedValue); if (gameObject != null) { var component = (Component)ConversionUtility.Convert(gameObject, valueInput.type); if (component == null) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(valueInput)} is missing a {valueInput.type.DisplayName()} component."); } } } } } } // If the port isn't connected but has a default value, use the default value to perform checks. else if (valueInput.hasDefaultValue) { if (checkForNullReference) { if (Flow.Predict(valueInput, reference) == null) { yield return Warning.Severe($"{PortLabel(valueInput)} cannot be null."); } } if (checkForMissingComponent) { var unconnectedPredictedValue = Flow.Predict(valueInput, reference); if (ConversionUtility.CanConvert(unconnectedPredictedValue, typeof(GameObject), true)) { var gameObject = ConversionUtility.Convert(unconnectedPredictedValue); if (gameObject != null) { var component = (Component)ConversionUtility.Convert(gameObject, valueInput.type); if (component == null) { yield return Warning.Caution($"{PortLabel(valueInput)} is missing a {valueInput.type.DisplayName()} component."); } } } } } // The value isn't connected and has no default value, // therefore it is certain to be missing at runtime. else { yield return Warning.Severe($"{PortLabel(valueInput)} is missing."); } } } }