# Create a Custom Scripting Event node You can create a Custom Scripting Event node with a C# script. With C#, you can customize all aspects of your Custom Scripting Event, unlike a Visual Scripting custom Event. For more information on the different types of custom Events, see [Custom Events](vs-custom-events.md). To create a Custom Scripting Event node: 1. [!include[open-project-window](./snippets/vs-open-project-window.md)] 1. [!include[right-click-project](./snippets/custom-events/vs-right-click-project.md)] 1. [!include[create-c-script-project](./snippets/vs-create-c-script-project.md)] 1. Enter a name, such as `MyEventNode`, for the new script file. 1. Press Enter. 1. [!include[open-new-external-code](./snippets/vs-open-new-external-code.md)] 1. In your external editor, copy and paste the following code into the C# script: ```csharp using Unity.VisualScripting; using UnityEngine; //Register a string name for your Custom Scripting Event to hook it to an Event. You can save this class in a separate file and add multiple Events to it as public static strings. public static class EventNames { public static string MyCustomEvent = "MyCustomEvent"; } [UnitTitle("On my Custom Event")]//The Custom Scripting Event node to receive the Event. Add "On" to the node title as an Event naming convention. [UnitCategory("Events\\MyEvents")]//Set the path to find the node in the fuzzy finder as Events > My Events. public class MyCustomEvent : EventUnit { [DoNotSerialize]// No need to serialize ports. public ValueOutput result { get; private set; }// The Event output data to return when the Event is triggered. protected override bool register => true; // Add an EventHook with the name of the Event to the list of Visual Scripting Events. public override EventHook GetHook(GraphReference reference) { return new EventHook(EventNames.MyCustomEvent); } protected override void Definition() { base.Definition(); // Setting the value on our port. result = ValueOutput(nameof(result)); } // Setting the value on our port. protected override void AssignArguments(Flow flow, int data) { flow.SetValue(result, data); } } ``` 1. [!include[save-script](./snippets/vs-save-script.md)] 1. [!include[return-unity](./snippets/vs-return-unity.md)] 1. [!include[regen-node-library](./snippets/vs-regen-node-library.md)] 1. [Open a Script Graph](vs-open-graph-edit.md) where you want to add your new node. 1. [!include[open-fuzzy-finder](./snippets/vs-open-fuzzy-finder.md)]. 1. Go to **Events** > **My Events**. 1. Select your **On My Custom Event** node to add it to the graph. > [!NOTE] > If you change the `UnitTitle` or `UnitCategory` attributes for the node in your code, the node appears in the location in the fuzzy finder with the name that you specify. ![An image of the Graph Editor with the On my Custom Event node. It has a Trigger Output port and an integer data output port called Result.](images/vs-custom-event-node.png) After you regenerate your Node Library, the Custom Scripting Event node appears in the fuzzy finder. If you didn't change the `[UnitCategory]` or `[UnitTitle]` from the sample code, then the fuzzy finder displays the node under **Events** > **MyEvents**, as the **On my Custom Event** node. For more information on the fuzzy finder, see [The interface](vs-interface-overview.md#the-fuzzy-finder). ## Next steps After you create your Custom Scripting Event node, you can [create a Custom Scripting Event Sender node](vs-create-own-custom-event-send-node.md) to trigger your Event from another Script Graph or location in the same Script Graph. You can also [create a script to trigger your Event from code](vs-create-own-custom-event-node-trigger-code.md) or [create a script to listen to your Event](vs-create-own-custom-event-listen-code.md).