# Create a new simple Custom C# node You can create a Custom C# node to run your own custom logic in a Script Graph. For more information on Custom C# nodes, see [Custom C# nodes](vs-create-custom-node.md). To create a new simple Custom C# node: 1. [!include[open-project-window](./snippets/vs-open-project-window.md)] 2. Right-click a folder in the Project window's folder list, or anywhere in the Project window's preview pane, and go to **Create** > **C# Script**. 3. Enter a name, such as `MyNode`, for the new script file. 1. Press Enter. 4. [!include[open-new-external-code](./snippets/vs-open-new-external-code.md)] 5. In your external editor, copy and paste the following code into your C# script: ```C# using Unity.VisualScripting; using UnityEngine; public class MyNode : Unit { protected override void Definition() //The method to set what our node will be doing. { } } ``` 6. [!include[save-script](./snippets/vs-save-script.md)] 1. [!include[return-unity](./snippets/vs-return-unity.md)] 7. [!include[regen-node-library](./snippets/vs-regen-node-library.md)] > [!NOTE] > If you don't regenerate your Node Library, the node won't appear in Visual Scripting's fuzzy finder. 8. [Open a Script Graph](vs-open-graph-edit.md) where you want to add your new node. 9. [!include[open-fuzzy-finder](./snippets/vs-open-fuzzy-finder.md)] 1. The node appears as `My Node` at the end of the fuzzy finder list. Select the node to add it to your graph. ![An image of the Graph window. The fuzzy finder is open and displays the Custom C# node, My Node, at the end of the list of all available nodes. The node has also been added to the Script Graph, but has no ports.](images/vs-my-node-custom-node-graph-editor.png) ## Next steps After you create the basic start to a node and add it to Visual Scripting's fuzzy finder, [add ports](vs-create-custom-node-add-ports.md) so your node can send and receive data.