# Add documentation to a Custom C# node You can also add [Graph Inspector](vs-interface-overview.md#the-graph-inspector) documentation to a Custom C# node. Visual Scripting displays the documentation in the Graph Inspector when you select a node in a Script Graph. The documentation isn't required to use the node, but can help your users understand the purpose and usage of a node. To add documentation to a node: 1. [!include[open-project-window](./snippets/vs-open-project-window.md)] > [!NOTE] > If you already have an **Editor** folder in your project, you can skip Steps 2-3. 2. Right-click your **Assets** folder or select **Add** (+), then select **Folder**. 1. Name the folder **Editor**. 3. Do one of the following: - Right-click your **Editor** folder in the Project window's folder list. - Right-click anywhere in the Project window's preview pane with your **Editor** folder selected. 4. [!include[create-c-script](./snippets/vs-create-c-script-project.md)] 5. Enter a name, such as `MyNodeDescriptor` for the new script file. 1. Press Enter. 6. [!include[open-new-external-code](./snippets/vs-open-new-external-code.md)] 7. In your external editor, copy and paste the following code into the C# script: ```C# using System; using Unity.VisualScripting; using UnityEngine; [Descriptor(typeof(MyNode))] public class MyNodeDescriptor : UnitDescriptor { public MyNodeDescriptor(MyNode unit) : base(unit) {} protected override void DefinedPort(IUnitPort port, UnitPortDescription description) { base.DefinedPort(port, description); switch (port.key) { case "inputTrigger": description.summary = "Trigger the concatenation of two strings, myValueA and myValueB, and return the result string on the Result port."; break; case "myValueA": description.summary = "First string value."; break; case "myValueB": description.summary = "Second string value."; break; case "outputTrigger": description.summary = "Execute the next action in the Script Graph after concatenating myValueA and myValueB."; break; case "result": description.summary = "The result string obtained from concatenating myValueA and myValueB."; break; } } } ``` You can modify the script to suit the specifics of your own node.
8. [!include[save-script](./snippets/vs-save-script.md)] 1. [!include[return-unity](./snippets/vs-return-unity.md)] 9. Do one of the following: - [!include[open-graph-w-node](./snippets/custom-c-nodes/vs-open-graph-w-node.md)]. - [!include[ff-add-node](./snippets/custom-c-nodes/vs-ff-add-node.md)] 10. Select the node and open the [Graph Inspector](vs-interface-overview.md#the-graph-inspector) to view your documentation. ![An image of the Graph window. The Graph Inspector is open on the left with the Custom C# node, My Node, selected. The Graph Inspector displays the documentation written for each port on the node, underneath the name and type for each port.](images/vs-my-node-custom-node-descriptions-inspector.png) ## Next steps After you add documentation to a node, you can choose to further customize the node with [node class and port attributes](vs-create-custom-node-attributes-reference.md).