using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Timeline; using UnityEngine.Video; namespace Timeline.Samples { // Editor representation of a Clip to play video in Timeline. [Serializable] public class VideoPlayableAsset : PlayableAsset, ITimelineClipAsset { public enum RenderMode { CameraFarPlane, CameraNearPlane }; [Tooltip("The video clip to play.")] public VideoClip videoClip; [Tooltip("Mutes the audio from the video")] public bool mute; [Tooltip("Loops the video.")] public bool loop = true; [Tooltip("The amount of time before the video begins to start preloading the video stream.")] public double preloadTime = 0.3; [Tooltip("The aspect ratio of the video to playback.")] public VideoAspectRatio aspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.FitHorizontally; [Tooltip("Where the video content will be drawn.")] public RenderMode renderMode = RenderMode.CameraFarPlane; [Tooltip("Specifies which camera to render to. If unassigned, the main camera will be used.")] public ExposedReference targetCamera; [Tooltip("Specifies an optional audio source to output to.")] public ExposedReference audioSource; // These are set by the track prior to CreatePlayable being called and are used by the VideoSchedulePlayableBehaviour // to schedule preloading of the video clip public double clipInTime { get; set; } public double startTime { get; set; } // Creates the playable that represents the instance that plays this clip. // Here a hidden VideoPlayer is being created for the PlayableBehaviour to use // to control playback. The PlayableBehaviour is responsible for deleting the player. public override Playable CreatePlayable(PlayableGraph graph, GameObject go) { Camera camera = targetCamera.Resolve(graph.GetResolver()); if (camera == null) camera = Camera.main; // If we are unable to create a player, return a playable with no behaviour attached. VideoPlayer player = CreateVideoPlayer(camera, audioSource.Resolve(graph.GetResolver())); if (player == null) return Playable.Create(graph); ScriptPlayable playable = ScriptPlayable.Create(graph); VideoPlayableBehaviour playableBehaviour = playable.GetBehaviour(); playableBehaviour.videoPlayer = player; playableBehaviour.preloadTime = preloadTime; playableBehaviour.clipInTime = clipInTime; playableBehaviour.startTime = startTime; return playable; } // The playable assets duration is used to specify the initial or default duration of the clip in Timeline. public override double duration { get { if (videoClip == null) return base.duration; return videoClip.length; } } // Implementation of ITimelineClipAsset. This specifies the capabilities of this timeline clip inside the editor. // For video clips, we are using built-in support for clip-in, speed, blending and looping. public ClipCaps clipCaps { get { var caps = ClipCaps.Blending | ClipCaps.ClipIn | ClipCaps.SpeedMultiplier; if (loop) caps |= ClipCaps.Looping; return caps; } } VideoPlayer CreateVideoPlayer(Camera camera, AudioSource targetAudioSource) { if (videoClip == null) return null; GameObject gameObject = new GameObject( { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; VideoPlayer videoPlayer = gameObject.AddComponent(); videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false; videoPlayer.source = VideoSource.VideoClip; videoPlayer.clip = videoClip; videoPlayer.waitForFirstFrame = false; videoPlayer.skipOnDrop = true; videoPlayer.targetCamera = camera; videoPlayer.renderMode = renderMode == RenderMode.CameraFarPlane ? VideoRenderMode.CameraFarPlane : VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane; videoPlayer.aspectRatio = aspectRatio; videoPlayer.isLooping = loop; videoPlayer.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.Direct; if (mute) { videoPlayer.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.None; } else if (targetAudioSource != null) { videoPlayer.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource; for (ushort i = 0; i < videoPlayer.clip.audioTrackCount; ++i) videoPlayer.SetTargetAudioSource(i, targetAudioSource); } return videoPlayer; } } }