using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { partial class TimelineWindow { TimeAreaItem m_PlayRangeEnd; TimeAreaItem m_PlayRangeStart; void PlayRangeGUI(TimelineItemArea area) { if (!currentMode.ShouldShowPlayRange(state) || treeView == null) return; if (state.masterSequence.asset != null && !state.masterSequence.asset.GetRootTracks().Any()) return; // left Time Cursor if (m_PlayRangeStart == null || != styles.playTimeRangeStart) { m_PlayRangeStart = new TimeAreaItem(styles.playTimeRangeStart, OnTrackHeadMinSelectDrag); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(-2.0f, 0); m_PlayRangeStart.boundOffset = offset; } // right Time Cursor if (m_PlayRangeEnd == null || != styles.playTimeRangeEnd) { m_PlayRangeEnd = new TimeAreaItem(styles.playTimeRangeEnd, OnTrackHeadMaxSelectDrag); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(2.0f, 0); m_PlayRangeEnd.boundOffset = offset; } if (area == TimelineItemArea.Header) DrawPlayRange(true, false); else if (area == TimelineItemArea.Lines) DrawPlayRange(false, true); } void DrawPlayRange(bool drawHeads, bool drawLines) { Rect timeCursorRect = state.timeAreaRect; timeCursorRect.height = clientArea.height; m_PlayRangeEnd.HandleManipulatorsEvents(state); m_PlayRangeStart.HandleManipulatorsEvents(state); // The first time a user enable the play range, we put the play range 75% around the current time... if (state.playRange == TimelineAssetViewModel.NoPlayRangeSet) { double minimumPlayRangeTime = 0.01; double t0 = Math.Max(0.0f, state.PixelToTime(state.timeAreaRect.xMin)); double t1 = Math.Min(state.masterSequence.duration, state.PixelToTime(state.timeAreaRect.xMax)); if (Math.Abs(t1 - t0) <= minimumPlayRangeTime) { state.playRange = new PlayRange(t0, t1); return; } double deltaT = (t1 - t0) * 0.25 / 2.0; t0 += deltaT; t1 -= deltaT; if (t1 < t0) { double temp = t0; t0 = t1; t1 = temp; } if (Math.Abs(t1 - t0) < minimumPlayRangeTime) { if (t0 - minimumPlayRangeTime > 0.0f) t0 -= minimumPlayRangeTime; else if (t1 + minimumPlayRangeTime < state.masterSequence.duration) t1 += minimumPlayRangeTime; } state.playRange = new PlayRange(t0, t1); } // Draw the head or the lines according to the parameters.. m_PlayRangeStart.drawHead = drawHeads; m_PlayRangeStart.drawLine = drawLines; m_PlayRangeEnd.drawHead = drawHeads; m_PlayRangeEnd.drawLine = drawLines; var playRangeTime = state.playRange; m_PlayRangeStart.Draw(sequenceContentRect, state, playRangeTime.start); m_PlayRangeEnd.Draw(sequenceContentRect, state, playRangeTime.end); // Draw Time Range Box from Start to End... if (state.playRangeEnabled && m_PlayHead != null) { Rect rect = Rect.MinMaxRect( Mathf.Clamp(state.TimeToPixel(playRangeTime.start), state.timeAreaRect.xMin, state.timeAreaRect.xMax), m_PlayHead.bounds.yMax, Mathf.Clamp(state.TimeToPixel(playRangeTime.end), state.timeAreaRect.xMin, state.timeAreaRect.xMax), sequenceContentRect.height + state.timeAreaRect.height + timeCursorRect.y ); EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorRange); rect.height = 3f; EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, Color.white); } } void OnTrackHeadMinSelectDrag(double newTime) { PlayRange range = state.playRange; range.start = newTime; state.playRange = range; m_PlayRangeStart.showTooltip = true; } void OnTrackHeadMaxSelectDrag(double newTime) { PlayRange range = state.playRange; range.end = newTime; state.playRange = range; m_PlayRangeEnd.showTooltip = true; } } }