using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Timeline; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { partial class TimelineWindow { TimeAreaItem m_TimelineDuration; void DurationGUI(TimelineItemArea area, double duration) { // don't show the duration if the time area is not visible for some other reason. if (!currentMode.ShouldShowTimeArea(state)) return; bool headerMode = area == TimelineItemArea.Header; if (state.IsEditingASubTimeline()) { if (headerMode) HighlightTimeAreaRange(state.editSequence.GetEvaluableRange(), DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorSubSequenceDurationLine); return; } // don't show the duration if there's none. if (state.editSequence.asset.durationMode == TimelineAsset.DurationMode.BasedOnClips && duration <= 0.0f) return; if (m_TimelineDuration == null || != styles.endmarker) { m_TimelineDuration = new TimeAreaItem(styles.endmarker, OnTrackDurationDrag) { tooltip = L10n.Tr("End of sequence marker"), boundOffset = new Vector2(0.0f, -DirectorStyles.kDurationGuiThickness) }; } DrawDuration(headerMode, !headerMode, duration); } void DrawDuration(bool drawhead, bool drawline, double duration) { if (state.TimeIsInRange((float)duration)) { // Set the colors based on the mode Color lineColor = DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorEndmarker; Color headColor = Color.white; bool canMoveHead = !EditorApplication.isPlaying && state.editSequence.asset.durationMode == TimelineAsset.DurationMode.FixedLength; if (canMoveHead) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown) { if (m_TimelineDuration.bounds.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { if (m_PlayHead != null && m_PlayHead.bounds.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { // ignore duration markers if the mouse is over the TimeCursor. canMoveHead = false; } } } } else { lineColor.a *= 0.66f; headColor = DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorDuration; } if (canMoveHead) m_TimelineDuration.HandleManipulatorsEvents(state); m_TimelineDuration.lineColor = lineColor; m_TimelineDuration.headColor = headColor; m_TimelineDuration.drawHead = drawhead; m_TimelineDuration.drawLine = drawline; m_TimelineDuration.canMoveHead = canMoveHead; // Draw the TimeAreaItem // Rect trackheadRect = treeviewBounds; //trackheadRect.height = clientArea.height; m_TimelineDuration.Draw(sequenceContentRect, state, duration); } // Draw Blue line in timeline indicating the duration... if (state.editSequence.asset != null && drawhead) { HighlightTimeAreaRange(state.editSequence.GetEvaluableRange(), DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorDurationLine); } } void HighlightTimeAreaRange(Range range, Color lineColor) { if (range.length <= 0.0 || !state.RangeIsVisible(range)) return; Rect lineRect = Rect.MinMaxRect( Math.Max(state.TimeToPixel(range.start), state.timeAreaRect.xMin), state.timeAreaRect.y - DirectorStyles.kDurationGuiThickness + state.timeAreaRect.height, Math.Min(state.TimeToPixel(range.end), state.timeAreaRect.xMax), state.timeAreaRect.y + state.timeAreaRect.height); EditorGUI.DrawRect(lineRect, lineColor); } // Drag handler for the gui void OnTrackDurationDrag(double newTime) { if (state.editSequence.asset.durationMode == TimelineAsset.DurationMode.FixedLength && !state.editSequence.isReadOnly) { // this is the first call to the drag if (m_TimelineDuration.firstDrag) { UndoExtensions.RegisterTimeline(state.editSequence.asset, L10n.Tr("Change Duration")); } state.editSequence.asset.fixedDuration = newTime; // when setting a new length, modify the duration of the timeline playable directly instead of // rebuilding the whole graph state.UpdateRootPlayableDuration(newTime); } m_TimelineDuration.showTooltip = true; } } }