{ "name": "com.unity.test-framework", "displayName": "Test Framework", "version": "1.1.33", "unity": "2019.2", "unityRelease": "0a10", "description": "Test framework for running Edit mode and Play mode tests in Unity.", "keywords": [ "Test", "TestFramework" ], "category": "Unity Test Framework", "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.test-framework.git", "type": "git", "revision": "34a4d423d64926635eb36d3bb86276179cc186e1" }, "dependencies": { "com.unity.ext.nunit": "1.0.6", "com.unity.modules.imgui": "1.0.0", "com.unity.modules.jsonserialize": "1.0.0" }, "relatedPackages": { "com.unity.test-framework.tests": "1.1.33" }, "_upm": { "changelog": "- Fixed an issue where using Assert.Expect with the same string multiple times can lead to incorrect errors in some cases (DSTR-442).\r\n- Improved the logging when using multiple Assert.Expect that the logs appear in another order than expected (DSTR-442).\r\n- Moved the targetPlatform specified when running tests in the TestRunnerApi from the Filter to the ExecutionSettings (DSTR-186).\r\n- Fixed an issue where an inheritance of UnityPlatformAttribute which was not working (ESTT-70).\r\n- Fixed the log of excluded platforms which was not displaying the right information.\r\n- Added filename and linenumber to test finished message (DSTR-505).\r\n- Add the possibility of running tests in a specified order from a test list (DSTR-494)." }, "upmCi": { "footprint": "2279493b9acd323ab758f64369634dc0daf0dbac" } }