using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; using NUnit.Framework.Constraints; using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces; using NUnit.Framework.Internal; using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Execution; using UnityEngine.TestTools; namespace UnityEngine.TestRunner.NUnitExtensions.Runner { internal class UnityTestExecutionContext : ITestExecutionContext { private readonly UnityTestExecutionContext _priorContext; private TestResult _currentResult; private int _assertCount; public static UnityTestExecutionContext CurrentContext { get; set; } public UnityTestExecutionContext Context { get; private set; } public Test CurrentTest { get; set; } public DateTime StartTime { get; set; } public long StartTicks { get; set; } public TestResult CurrentResult { get { return _currentResult; } set { _currentResult = value; if (value != null) OutWriter = value.OutWriter; } } public object TestObject { get; set; } public string WorkDirectory { get; set; } private TestExecutionStatus _executionStatus; public TestExecutionStatus ExecutionStatus { get { // ExecutionStatus may have been set to StopRequested or AbortRequested // in a prior context. If so, reflect the same setting in this context. if (_executionStatus == TestExecutionStatus.Running && _priorContext != null) _executionStatus = _priorContext.ExecutionStatus; return _executionStatus; } set { _executionStatus = value; // Push the same setting up to all prior contexts if (_priorContext != null) _priorContext.ExecutionStatus = value; } } public List UpstreamActions { get; private set; } public int TestCaseTimeout { get; set; } public CultureInfo CurrentCulture { get; set; } public CultureInfo CurrentUICulture { get; set; } public ITestListener Listener { get; set; } public UnityTestExecutionContext() { UpstreamActions = new List(); CurrentContext = this; } public UnityTestExecutionContext(UnityTestExecutionContext other) { _priorContext = other; CurrentTest = other.CurrentTest; CurrentResult = other.CurrentResult; TestObject = other.TestObject; WorkDirectory = other.WorkDirectory; Listener = other.Listener; TestCaseTimeout = other.TestCaseTimeout; UpstreamActions = new List(other.UpstreamActions); SetUpTearDownState = other.SetUpTearDownState; OuterUnityTestActionState = other.OuterUnityTestActionState; EnumerableTestState = other.EnumerableTestState; TestContext.CurrentTestExecutionContext = this; CurrentCulture = other.CurrentCulture; CurrentUICulture = other.CurrentUICulture; CurrentContext = this; } public TextWriter OutWriter { get; private set; } public bool StopOnError { get; set; } public IWorkItemDispatcher Dispatcher { get; set; } public ParallelScope ParallelScope { get; set; } public string WorkerId { get; private set; } public Randomizer RandomGenerator { get; private set; } public ValueFormatter CurrentValueFormatter { get; private set; } public bool IsSingleThreaded { get; set; } public BeforeAfterTestCommandState SetUpTearDownState { get; set; } public BeforeAfterTestCommandState OuterUnityTestActionState { get; set; } public EnumerableTestState EnumerableTestState { get; set; } internal int AssertCount { get { return _assertCount; } } public void IncrementAssertCount() { _assertCount += 1; } public void AddFormatter(ValueFormatterFactory formatterFactory) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }