# Settings Manager The Settings Manager is a framework that lets you convert any serializable field into a setting, including a pre-built settings interface. ## Installation To install this package, follow the instructions in the [Package Manager documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-install.html). This package provides a sample that demonstrates how to implement custom user settings. To install them, follow these instructions: 1. Make sure the Settings Manager package is installed in your Unity project. 2. In the Package Manager window, locate the Settings Manager package select it from the list. The [Details view](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-details.html) displays information about the Settings Manager package. 3. From the Details view, click the **Import** button under the **Samples** section. ## Requirements This version of the Settings Manager package is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor: * 2018.4 and later ## Using the Settings Manager The [Settings](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings) class is responsible for setting and retrieving serialized values from a settings repository. Use settings repositories to save and load settings for a specific scope. This package provides two settings repositories: * The [UserSettingsRepository](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSettingsRepository), backed by the [EditorPrefs](xref:UnityEditor.EditorPrefs) class, lets you save [user preferences](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Preferences.html). * The [FileSettingsRepository](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.FileSettingsRepository) saves a JSON file to the `ProjectSettings` directory in order to save [project settings](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/comp-ManagerGroup.html). You can create and manage all settings from a singleton `Settings` instance. For example: ```c# using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; namespace UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Examples { static class MySettingsManager { internal const string k_PackageName = "com.example.my-settings-example"; static Settings s_Instance; internal static Settings instance { get { if (s_Instance == null) s_Instance = new Settings(k_PackageName); return s_Instance; } } } } ``` ### Getting and setting values Your `Settings` instance should implement generic methods to set and retrieve values: ``` MySettingsManager.instance.Get("myFloatValue", SettingsScope.Project); ``` There are two arguments: key, and scope. The [Settings](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Settings) class finds an appropriate [ISettingsRepository](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.ISettingsRepository) for the scope, while `key` and `T` are used to find the value. Keys are unique among types: you can re-use keys as long as its type is different. Alternatively, you can use the [UserSetting<T>](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSetting`1) class to manage settings. This is a wrapper class around the `Settings` get/set properties, which makes it easy to make any field a saved setting. ```c# // UserSetting(Settings instance, string key, T defaultValue, SettingsScope scope = SettingsScope.Project) Setting myIntValue = new Setting(MySettingsManager.instance, "int.key", 42, SettingsScope.User); ``` [UserSetting<T>](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSetting`1) caches the current value, and keeps a copy of the default value so that it may be reset. You can also use `UserSetting` fields with the `[UserSettingAttribute]` attribute, which lets the `SettingsManagerProvider` automatically add it to a settings inspector. ## Settings Provider To register your settings so they appear in the [Project Settings](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/comp-ManagerGroup.html) window, you can either write your own [SettingsProvider](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsProvider) implementation, or use the [UserSettingsProvider](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSettingsProvider) and let it automatically create your interface. Making use of `UserSettingsProvider` comes with many benefits, including a uniform look for your settings UI, support for search, and per-field or mass reset support. ``` using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Examples { static class MySettingsProvider { const string k_PreferencesPath = "Preferences/My Settings"; [SettingsProvider] static SettingsProvider CreateSettingsProvider() { // The last parameter tells the provider where to search for settings. var provider = new SettingsManagerProvider(k_PreferencesPath, MySettingsManager.instance, new [] { typeof(MySettingsProvider).Assembly }); return provider; } } } ``` To register a field with the [UserSettingsProvider](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSettingsProvider), decorate it with `[UserSettingAttribute(string displayCategory, string key)]`. > [!NOTE] > The `[UserSettingAttribute]` decoration is only valid for static fields. For more complex settings that require additional UI (or that don't have a built-in Editor), use [UserSettingBlockAttribute](xref:UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.UserSettingBlockAttribute) to access the settings provider GUI. For more information, look at the sample source file `SettingsExamples.cs` under the `Assets/Samples/Settings Manager//User Settings Example/PackageWithProjectAndUserSettings` folder in your Unity project root. > [!TIP] > If you don't see this path or file, follow the steps under the Installation section to import it.