using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.Help { internal static class TestingHelpData { internal static HelpData GetSample1() { HelpData result = new HelpData(); result.CleanText = "There are some .private files" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Do not panic, these are copies Plastic creates to preserve files it can't overwrite." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Suppose you have a private file \"src / foo.c\", then switch your workspace to a branch where someone added \"src / foo.c\". Plastic downloads the new file because it is under source control and yours is not. But, it can't delete yours, so it renames it as .private.0." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Makes sense?" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Learn more:" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* You have some files ready to be added to version control" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* Are you missing any changes?" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* Tips to work with Visual Studio projects." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "This is just text after links (like this help link -> content2) to verify that the format is preserved." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "And then that another link at the end works, with some bold text at the end, final!!"; // IMPORTANT! We need single EOL chars to calculate the positions, // otherwise positions are wrong calculated result.CleanText = result.CleanText.Replace("\r\n", "\n"); result.FormattedBlocks = new List(); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Title, Position = 0, Length = 29 }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Bold, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("not panic"), Length = "not panic".Length }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Underline, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("overwrite"), Length = "overwrite".Length }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Bold, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("Makes sense?"), Length = "Makes sense?".Length }); result.Links = new List(); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("You have some files ready to be added to version control"), Length = "You have some files ready to be added to version control".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-filestoadd") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("Are you missing any changes?"), Length = "Are you missing any changes?".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-missingchanges") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("Tips to work with Visual Studio projects."), Length = "Tips to work with Visual Studio projects.".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-visualstudio") }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Bold, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("verify that the format is preserved"), Length = "verify that the format is preserved".Length }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("this help link"), Length = "this help link".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Help, "sample2") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("another link at the end"), Length = "another link at the end".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Link, "") }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Bold, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("bold text at the end"), Length = "bold text at the end".Length }); return result; } internal static HelpData GetSample2() { HelpData result = new HelpData(); result.CleanText = "Alternative title to confirm that all is working" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "This is just another help example to ensure that the panel replaces the helps dynamically." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "If you're reading this text, means that the help changed its content dynamically, so we can navigate between help tips by clicking hyperlinks" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Makes sense?" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "Learn more:" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* You have some files ready to be added to version control" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* Are you missing any changes?" + System.Environment.NewLine + "* Tips to work with Visual Studio projects." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "This is just text after links (like this help link -> content1) to verify that the format is preserved."; // IMPORTANT! We need single EOL chars to calculate the positions, // otherwise positions are wrong calculated result.CleanText = result.CleanText.Replace("\r\n", "\n"); result.FormattedBlocks = new List(); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Title, Position = 0, Length = "Alternative title to confirm that all is working".Length }); result.FormattedBlocks.Add(new HelpFormat() { Type = HelpFormat.FormatType.Bold, Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("replaces the helps dynamically"), Length = "replaces the helps dynamically".Length }); result.Links = new List(); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("You have some files ready to be added to version control"), Length = "You have some files ready to be added to version control".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-filestoadd") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("Are you missing any changes?"), Length = "Are you missing any changes?".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-missingchanges") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("Tips to work with Visual Studio projects."), Length = "Tips to work with Visual Studio projects.".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Action, "plasticscm-pendingchanges-visualstudio") }); result.Links.Add(new HelpLink() { Position = result.CleanText.IndexOf("this help link"), Length = "this help link".Length, Link = HelpLinkData.AsString(HelpLink.LinkType.Help, "sample1") }); return result; } class HelpLinkData { internal static string AsString(HelpLink.LinkType linkType, string linkContent) { string linkTypeString = string.Empty; switch (linkType) { case HelpLink.LinkType.Action: linkTypeString = ACTION; break; case HelpLink.LinkType.Help: linkTypeString = HELP; break; case HelpLink.LinkType.Link: linkTypeString = LINK; break; } return string.Concat(linkTypeString, SEPARATOR, linkContent); } const string ACTION = "action"; const string HELP = "help"; const string LINK = "link"; const string SEPARATOR = ":"; } } }