using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.VisualScripting { [Widget(typeof(IUnit))] public class UnitWidget : NodeWidget, IUnitWidget where TUnit : class, IUnit { public UnitWidget(FlowCanvas canvas, TUnit unit) : base(canvas, unit) { unit.onPortsChanged += CacheDefinition; unit.onPortsChanged += SubWidgetsChanged; } public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); unit.onPortsChanged -= CacheDefinition; unit.onPortsChanged -= SubWidgetsChanged; } public override IEnumerable subWidgets => unit.ports.Select(port => canvas.Widget(port)); #region Model protected TUnit unit => element; IUnit IUnitWidget.unit => unit; protected IUnitDebugData unitDebugData => GetDebugData(); private UnitDescription description; private UnitAnalysis analysis => unit.Analysis(context); protected readonly List ports = new List(); protected readonly List inputs = new List(); protected readonly List outputs = new List(); private readonly List settingNames = new List(); protected IEnumerable settings { get { foreach (var settingName in settingNames) { yield return metadata[settingName]; } } } protected override void CacheItemFirstTime() { base.CacheItemFirstTime(); CacheDefinition(); } protected virtual void CacheDefinition() { inputs.Clear(); outputs.Clear(); ports.Clear(); inputs.AddRange(unit.inputs.Select(port => canvas.Widget(port))); outputs.AddRange(unit.outputs.Select(port => canvas.Widget(port))); ports.AddRange(inputs); ports.AddRange(outputs); Reposition(); } protected override void CacheDescription() { description = unit.Description(); titleContent.text = description.shortTitle; titleContent.tooltip = description.summary; surtitleContent.text = description.surtitle; subtitleContent.text = description.subtitle; Reposition(); } protected override void CacheMetadata() { settingNames.Clear(); settingNames.AddRange(metadata.valueType .GetMembers() .Where(mi => mi.HasAttribute()) .OrderBy(mi => mi.GetAttributes().OfType().FirstOrDefault()?.order ?? int.MaxValue) .ThenBy(mi => mi.MetadataToken) .Select(mi => mi.Name)); lock (settingLabelsContents) { settingLabelsContents.Clear(); foreach (var setting in settings) { var settingLabel = setting.GetAttribute().label; GUIContent settingContent; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settingLabel)) { settingContent = null; } else { settingContent = new GUIContent(settingLabel); } settingLabelsContents.Add(setting, settingContent); } } Reposition(); } public virtual Inspector GetPortInspector(IUnitPort port, Metadata metadata) { return metadata.Inspector(); } #endregion #region Lifecycle public override bool foregroundRequiresInput => showSettings || unit.valueInputs.Any(vip => vip.hasDefaultValue); public override void HandleInput() { if (canvas.isCreatingConnection) { if (e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Left)) { var source = canvas.connectionSource; var destination = source.CompatiblePort(unit); if (destination != null) { UndoUtility.RecordEditedObject("Connect Nodes"); source.ValidlyConnectTo(destination); canvas.connectionSource = null; canvas.Widget(source.unit).Reposition(); canvas.Widget(destination.unit).Reposition(); GUI.changed = true; } e.Use(); } else if (e.IsMouseDown(MouseButton.Right)) { canvas.CancelConnection(); e.Use(); } } base.HandleInput(); } #endregion #region Contents protected readonly GUIContent titleContent = new GUIContent(); protected readonly GUIContent surtitleContent = new GUIContent(); protected readonly GUIContent subtitleContent = new GUIContent(); protected readonly Dictionary settingLabelsContents = new Dictionary(); #endregion #region Positioning protected override bool snapToGrid => BoltCore.Configuration.snapToGrid; public override IEnumerable positionDependers => ports.Cast(); protected Rect _position; public override Rect position { get { return _position; } set { unit.position = value.position; } } public Rect titlePosition { get; private set; } public Rect surtitlePosition { get; private set; } public Rect subtitlePosition { get; private set; } public Rect iconPosition { get; private set; } public List iconsPositions { get; private set; } = new List(); public Dictionary settingsPositions { get; } = new Dictionary(); public Rect headerAddonPosition { get; private set; } public Rect portsBackgroundPosition { get; private set; } public override void CachePosition() { // Width var inputsWidth = 0f; var outputsWidth = 0f; foreach (var input in inputs) { inputsWidth = Mathf.Max(inputsWidth, input.GetInnerWidth()); } foreach (var output in outputs) { outputsWidth = Mathf.Max(outputsWidth, output.GetInnerWidth()); } var portsWidth = 0f; portsWidth += inputsWidth; portsWidth += Styles.spaceBetweenInputsAndOutputs; portsWidth += outputsWidth; settingsPositions.Clear(); var settingsWidth = 0f; if (showSettings) { foreach (var setting in settings) { var settingWidth = 0f; var settingLabelContent = settingLabelsContents[setting]; if (settingLabelContent != null) { settingWidth += Styles.settingLabel.CalcSize(settingLabelContent).x; } settingWidth += setting.Inspector().GetAdaptiveWidth(); settingWidth = Mathf.Min(settingWidth, Styles.maxSettingsWidth); settingsPositions.Add(setting, new Rect(0, 0, settingWidth, 0)); settingsWidth = Mathf.Max(settingsWidth, settingWidth); } } var headerAddonWidth = 0f; if (showHeaderAddon) { headerAddonWidth = GetHeaderAddonWidth(); } var titleWidth = Styles.title.CalcSize(titleContent).x; var headerTextWidth = titleWidth; var surtitleWidth = 0f; if (showSurtitle) { surtitleWidth = Styles.surtitle.CalcSize(surtitleContent).x; headerTextWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth, surtitleWidth); } var subtitleWidth = 0f; if (showSubtitle) { subtitleWidth = Styles.subtitle.CalcSize(subtitleContent).x; headerTextWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth, subtitleWidth); } var iconsWidth = 0f; if (showIcons) { var iconsColumns = Mathf.Ceil((float)description.icons.Length / Styles.iconsPerColumn); iconsWidth = iconsColumns * Styles.iconsSize + ((iconsColumns - 1) * Styles.iconsSpacing); } var headerWidth = Mathf.Max(headerTextWidth + iconsWidth, Mathf.Max(settingsWidth, headerAddonWidth)) + Styles.iconSize + Styles.spaceAfterIcon; var innerWidth = Mathf.Max(portsWidth, headerWidth); var edgeWidth = InnerToEdgePosition(new Rect(0, 0, innerWidth, 0)).width; // Height & Positioning var edgeOrigin = unit.position; var edgeX = edgeOrigin.x; var edgeY = edgeOrigin.y; var innerOrigin = EdgeToInnerPosition(new Rect(edgeOrigin,; var innerX = innerOrigin.x; var innerY = innerOrigin.y; iconPosition = new Rect ( innerX, innerY, Styles.iconSize, Styles.iconSize ); var headerTextX = iconPosition.xMax + Styles.spaceAfterIcon; var y = innerY; var headerHeight = 0f; var surtitleHeight = 0f; if (showSurtitle) { surtitleHeight = Styles.surtitle.CalcHeight(surtitleContent, headerTextWidth); surtitlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, surtitleHeight ); headerHeight += surtitleHeight; y += surtitleHeight; headerHeight += Styles.spaceAfterSurtitle; y += Styles.spaceAfterSurtitle; } var titleHeight = 0f; if (showTitle) { titleHeight = Styles.title.CalcHeight(titleContent, headerTextWidth); titlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, titleHeight ); headerHeight += titleHeight; y += titleHeight; } var subtitleHeight = 0f; if (showSubtitle) { headerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforeSubtitle; y += Styles.spaceBeforeSubtitle; subtitleHeight = Styles.subtitle.CalcHeight(subtitleContent, headerTextWidth); subtitlePosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerTextWidth, subtitleHeight ); headerHeight += subtitleHeight; y += subtitleHeight; } iconsPositions.Clear(); if (showIcons) { var iconRow = 0; var iconCol = 0; for (int i = 0; i < description.icons.Length; i++) { var iconPosition = new Rect ( innerX + innerWidth - ((iconCol + 1) * Styles.iconsSize) - ((iconCol) * Styles.iconsSpacing), innerY + (iconRow * (Styles.iconsSize + Styles.iconsSpacing)), Styles.iconsSize, Styles.iconsSize ); iconsPositions.Add(iconPosition); iconRow++; if (iconRow % Styles.iconsPerColumn == 0) { iconCol++; iconRow = 0; } } } var settingsHeight = 0f; if (showSettings) { headerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforeSettings; foreach (var setting in settings) { var settingWidth = settingsPositions[setting].width; using (LudiqGUIUtility.currentInspectorWidth.Override(settingWidth)) { var settingHeight = LudiqGUI.GetInspectorHeight(null, setting, settingWidth, settingLabelsContents[setting] ?? GUIContent.none); var settingPosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, settingWidth, settingHeight ); settingsPositions[setting] = settingPosition; settingsHeight += settingHeight; y += settingHeight; settingsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; y += Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; } } settingsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenSettings; headerHeight += settingsHeight; headerHeight += Styles.spaceAfterSettings; y += Styles.spaceAfterSettings; } if (showHeaderAddon) { var headerAddonHeight = GetHeaderAddonHeight(headerAddonWidth); headerAddonPosition = new Rect ( headerTextX, y, headerAddonWidth, headerAddonHeight ); headerHeight += headerAddonHeight; y += headerAddonHeight; } if (headerHeight < Styles.iconSize) { var difference = Styles.iconSize - headerHeight; var centeringOffset = difference / 2; if (showTitle) { var _titlePosition = titlePosition; _titlePosition.y += centeringOffset; titlePosition = _titlePosition; } if (showSubtitle) { var _subtitlePosition = subtitlePosition; _subtitlePosition.y += centeringOffset; subtitlePosition = _subtitlePosition; } if (showSettings) { foreach (var setting in settings) { var _settingPosition = settingsPositions[setting]; _settingPosition.y += centeringOffset; settingsPositions[setting] = _settingPosition; } } if (showHeaderAddon) { var _headerAddonPosition = headerAddonPosition; _headerAddonPosition.y += centeringOffset; headerAddonPosition = _headerAddonPosition; } headerHeight = Styles.iconSize; } y = innerY + headerHeight; var innerHeight = 0f; innerHeight += headerHeight; if (showPorts) { innerHeight += Styles.spaceBeforePorts; y += Styles.spaceBeforePorts; var portsBackgroundY = y; var portsBackgroundHeight = 0f; portsBackgroundHeight +=; innerHeight +=; y +=; var portStartY = y; var inputsHeight = 0f; var outputsHeight = 0f; foreach (var input in inputs) { input.y = y; var inputHeight = input.GetHeight(); inputsHeight += inputHeight; y += inputHeight; inputsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } if (inputs.Count > 0) { inputsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } y = portStartY; foreach (var output in outputs) { output.y = y; var outputHeight = output.GetHeight(); outputsHeight += outputHeight; y += outputHeight; outputsHeight += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y += Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } if (outputs.Count > 0) { outputsHeight -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; y -= Styles.spaceBetweenPorts; } var portsHeight = Math.Max(inputsHeight, outputsHeight); portsBackgroundHeight += portsHeight; innerHeight += portsHeight; y = portStartY + portsHeight; portsBackgroundHeight += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; innerHeight += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; y += Styles.portsBackground.padding.bottom; portsBackgroundPosition = new Rect ( edgeX, portsBackgroundY, edgeWidth, portsBackgroundHeight ); } var edgeHeight = InnerToEdgePosition(new Rect(0, 0, 0, innerHeight)).height; _position = new Rect ( edgeX, edgeY, edgeWidth, edgeHeight ); } protected virtual float GetHeaderAddonWidth() { return 0; } protected virtual float GetHeaderAddonHeight(float width) { return 0; } #endregion #region Drawing protected virtual NodeColorMix baseColor => NodeColor.Gray; protected override NodeColorMix color { get { if (unitDebugData.runtimeException != null) { return NodeColor.Red; } var color = baseColor; if (analysis.warnings.Count > 0) { var mostSevereWarning = Warning.MostSevereLevel(analysis.warnings); switch (mostSevereWarning) { case WarningLevel.Error: color = NodeColor.Red; break; case WarningLevel.Severe: color = NodeColor.Orange; break; case WarningLevel.Caution: color = NodeColor.Yellow; break; } } if (EditorApplication.isPaused) { if (EditorTimeBinding.frame == unitDebugData.lastInvokeFrame) { return NodeColor.Blue; } } else { var mix = color; = Mathf.Lerp(1, 0, (EditorTimeBinding.time - unitDebugData.lastInvokeTime) / Styles.invokeFadeDuration); return mix; } return color; } } protected override NodeShape shape => NodeShape.Square; protected virtual bool showTitle => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.shortTitle); protected virtual bool showSurtitle => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.surtitle); protected virtual bool showSubtitle => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.subtitle); protected virtual bool showIcons => description.icons.Length > 0; protected virtual bool showSettings => settingNames.Count > 0; protected virtual bool showHeaderAddon => false; protected virtual bool showPorts => ports.Count > 0; protected override bool dim { get { var dim = BoltCore.Configuration.dimInactiveNodes && !analysis.isEntered; if (isMouseOver || isSelected) { dim = false; } if (BoltCore.Configuration.dimIncompatibleNodes && canvas.isCreatingConnection) { dim = !unit.ports.Any(p => canvas.connectionSource == p || canvas.connectionSource.CanValidlyConnectTo(p)); } return dim; } } public override void DrawForeground() { BeginDim(); base.DrawForeground(); DrawIcon(); if (showSurtitle) { DrawSurtitle(); } if (showTitle) { DrawTitle(); } if (showSubtitle) { DrawSubtitle(); } if (showIcons) { DrawIcons(); } if (showSettings) { DrawSettings(); } if (showHeaderAddon) { DrawHeaderAddon(); } if (showPorts) { DrawPortsBackground(); } EndDim(); } protected void DrawIcon() { var icon = description.icon ?? BoltFlow.Icons.unit; if (icon != null && icon[(int)iconPosition.width]) { GUI.DrawTexture(iconPosition, icon[(int)iconPosition.width]); } } protected void DrawTitle() { GUI.Label(titlePosition, titleContent, invertForeground ? Styles.titleInverted : Styles.title); } protected void DrawSurtitle() { GUI.Label(surtitlePosition, surtitleContent, invertForeground ? Styles.surtitleInverted : Styles.surtitle); } protected void DrawSubtitle() { GUI.Label(subtitlePosition, subtitleContent, invertForeground ? Styles.subtitleInverted : Styles.subtitle); } protected void DrawIcons() { for (int i = 0; i < description.icons.Length; i++) { var icon = description.icons[i]; var position = iconsPositions[i]; GUI.DrawTexture(position, icon?[(int)position.width]); } } private void DrawSettings() { if (graph.zoom < FlowCanvas.inspectorZoomThreshold) { return; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(!e.IsRepaint && isMouseThrough && !isMouseOver); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); foreach (var setting in settings) { DrawSetting(setting); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { unit.Define(); Reposition(); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } protected void DrawSetting(Metadata setting) { var settingPosition = settingsPositions[setting]; using (LudiqGUIUtility.currentInspectorWidth.Override(settingPosition.width)) using (Inspector.expandTooltip.Override(false)) { var label = settingLabelsContents[setting]; if (label == null) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(setting, settingPosition, GUIContent.none); } else { using (Inspector.defaultLabelStyle.Override(Styles.settingLabel)) using (LudiqGUIUtility.labelWidth.Override(Styles.settingLabel.CalcSize(label).x)) { LudiqGUI.Inspector(setting, settingPosition, label); } } } } protected virtual void DrawHeaderAddon() { } protected void DrawPortsBackground() { if (canvas.showRelations) { foreach (var relation in unit.relations) { var start = ports.Single(pw => pw.port == relation.source); var end = ports.Single(pw => pw.port == relation.destination); var startTangent = start; var endTangent = end; if (relation.source is IUnitInputPort && relation.destination is IUnitInputPort) { //startTangent -= new Vector2(20, 0); endTangent -= new Vector2(32, 0); } else { startTangent += new Vector2(innerPosition.width / 2, 0); endTangent += new Vector2(-innerPosition.width / 2, 0); } Handles.DrawBezier ( start, end, startTangent, endTangent, new Color(0.136f, 0.136f, 0.136f, 1.0f), null, 3 ); } } else { if (e.IsRepaint) { Styles.portsBackground.Draw(portsBackgroundPosition, false, false, false, false); } } } #endregion #region Selecting public override bool canSelect => true; #endregion #region Dragging public override bool canDrag => true; public override void ExpandDragGroup(HashSet dragGroup) { if (BoltCore.Configuration.carryChildren) { foreach (var output in unit.outputs) { foreach (var connection in output.connections) { if (dragGroup.Contains(connection.destination.unit)) { continue; } dragGroup.Add(connection.destination.unit); canvas.Widget(connection.destination.unit).ExpandDragGroup(dragGroup); } } } } #endregion #region Deleting public override bool canDelete => true; #endregion #region Clipboard public override void ExpandCopyGroup(HashSet copyGroup) { copyGroup.UnionWith(unit.connections.Cast()); } #endregion #region Context protected override IEnumerable contextOptions { get { yield return new DropdownOption((Action)ReplaceUnit, "Replace..."); foreach (var baseOption in base.contextOptions) { yield return baseOption; } } } private void ReplaceUnit() { UnitWidgetHelper.ReplaceUnit(unit, reference, context, selection, e); } #endregion public static class Styles { static Styles() { // Disabling word wrap because Unity's CalcSize and CalcHeight // are broken w.r.t. pixel-perfection and matrix title = new GUIStyle(BoltCore.Styles.nodeLabel); title.padding = new RectOffset(0, 5, 0, 2); title.margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); title.fontSize = 12; title.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; title.wordWrap = false; surtitle = new GUIStyle(BoltCore.Styles.nodeLabel); surtitle.padding = new RectOffset(0, 5, 0, 0); surtitle.margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0); surtitle.fontSize = 10; surtitle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; surtitle.wordWrap = false; subtitle = new GUIStyle(surtitle); subtitle.padding.bottom = 2; titleInverted = new GUIStyle(title); titleInverted.normal.textColor = ColorPalette.unityBackgroundDark; surtitleInverted = new GUIStyle(surtitle); surtitleInverted.normal.textColor = ColorPalette.unityBackgroundDark; subtitleInverted = new GUIStyle(subtitle); subtitleInverted.normal.textColor = ColorPalette.unityBackgroundDark; if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { portsBackground = new GUIStyle("In BigTitle") { padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 6, 5) }; } else { TextureResolution[] textureResolution = { 2 }; var createTextureOptions = CreateTextureOptions.Scalable; EditorTexture normalTexture = BoltCore.Resources.LoadTexture($"NodePortsBackground.png", textureResolution, createTextureOptions); portsBackground = new GUIStyle { normal = { background = normalTexture.Single() }, padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 6, 5) }; } settingLabel = new GUIStyle(BoltCore.Styles.nodeLabel); settingLabel.padding.left = 0; settingLabel.padding.right = 5; settingLabel.wordWrap = false; settingLabel.clipping = TextClipping.Clip; } public static readonly GUIStyle title; public static readonly GUIStyle surtitle; public static readonly GUIStyle subtitle; public static readonly GUIStyle titleInverted; public static readonly GUIStyle surtitleInverted; public static readonly GUIStyle subtitleInverted; public static readonly GUIStyle settingLabel; public static readonly float spaceAroundLineIcon = 5; public static readonly float spaceBeforePorts = 5; public static readonly float spaceBetweenInputsAndOutputs = 8; public static readonly float spaceBeforeSettings = 2; public static readonly float spaceBetweenSettings = 3; public static readonly float spaceBetweenPorts = 3; public static readonly float spaceAfterSettings = 0; public static readonly float maxSettingsWidth = 150; public static readonly GUIStyle portsBackground; public static readonly float iconSize = IconSize.Medium; public static readonly float iconsSize = IconSize.Small; public static readonly float iconsSpacing = 3; public static readonly int iconsPerColumn = 2; public static readonly float spaceAfterIcon = 6; public static readonly float spaceAfterSurtitle = 2; public static readonly float spaceBeforeSubtitle = 0; public static readonly float invokeFadeDuration = 0.5f; } } internal class UnitWidgetHelper { internal static void ReplaceUnit(IUnit unit, GraphReference reference, IGraphContext context, GraphSelection selection, EventWrapper eventWrapper) { var oldUnit = unit; var unitPosition = oldUnit.position; var preservation = UnitPreservation.Preserve(oldUnit); var options = new UnitOptionTree(new GUIContent("Node")); options.filter = UnitOptionFilter.Any; options.filter.NoConnection = false; options.reference = reference; var activatorPosition = new Rect(eventWrapper.mousePosition, new Vector2(200, 1)); LudiqGUI.FuzzyDropdown ( activatorPosition, options, null, delegate (object _option) { var option = (IUnitOption)_option; context.BeginEdit(); UndoUtility.RecordEditedObject("Replace Node"); var graph = oldUnit.graph; oldUnit.graph.units.Remove(oldUnit); var newUnit = option.InstantiateUnit(); newUnit.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); newUnit.position = unitPosition; graph.units.Add(newUnit); preservation.RestoreTo(newUnit); option.PreconfigureUnit(newUnit); selection.Select(newUnit); GUI.changed = true; context.EndEdit(); } ); } } }