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2023-06-19 20:21:21 -07:00
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.UI
internal static class RunModal
static RunModal()
internal static bool IsAvailable()
return mShowWithModeMethod != null
&& mCreateSavedGUIState != null
&& mApplyAndForgetMethod != null
&& mParentField != null
&& mParentWindowProp != null
&& mMakeModalMethod != null;
internal static void Dialog(EditorWindow window)
object savedGUIState = CreateSavedGUIState();
static void MakeModal(EditorWindow window)
// MakeModal(m_Parent.window);
var hostView = mParentField.GetValue(window);
var parentWindow = mParentWindowProp.GetValue(hostView, null);
mMakeModalMethod.IsStatic ? null : window,
new object[] { parentWindow });
static void ShowAsUtility(EditorWindow window)
// ShowWithMode(ShowMode.Utility);
mShowWithModeMethod.Invoke(window, new object[] { 2 });
static object CreateSavedGUIState()
// SavedGUIState guiState = SavedGUIState.Create();
return mCreateSavedGUIState.Invoke(null, null);
static void ApplySavedGUIState(object savedGUIState)
// guiState.ApplyAndForget();
mApplyAndForgetMethod.Invoke(savedGUIState, null);
static void PopDispatcherContext(EditorWindow window)
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
object editorDispatcher = mEditorDispatcherProp2020.GetValue(null);
mPopContextMethod2020.Invoke(editorDispatcher, null);
// m_Parent.visualTree.panel.dispatcher?.PopDispatcherContext();
object dispatcher = GetDispatcher(window);
if (dispatcher != null)
mPopContextMethod.Invoke(dispatcher, null);
static void PushDispatcherContext(EditorWindow window)
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
object editorDispatcher = mEditorDispatcherProp2020.GetValue(null);
mPushContextMethod2020.Invoke(editorDispatcher, null);
// m_Parent.visualTree.panel.dispatcher?.PushDispatcherContext();
object dispatcher = GetDispatcher(window);
if (dispatcher != null)
mPushContextMethod.Invoke(dispatcher, null);
static object GetDispatcher(EditorWindow window)
object dispatcher = null;
if (MayHaveDispatcher())
var parent = mParentField.GetValue(window);
if (parent != null)
var visualTree = mVisualTreeProp.GetValue(parent, null);
if (visualTree != null)
var panel = mPanelProp.GetValue(visualTree, null);
if (panel != null)
dispatcher = mDispatcherProp.GetValue(panel, null);
return dispatcher;
static bool MayHaveDispatcher()
return mDispatcherType != null
&& mPushContextMethod != null
&& mPopContextMethod != null;
static void InitializeInfo()
var flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static;
mMakeModalMethod = BuildMakeModalMethodInfo(flags);
mShowWithModeMethod = typeof(EditorWindow).GetMethod("ShowWithMode", flags);
mParentField = typeof(EditorWindow).GetField("m_Parent", flags);
var hostViewType = mParentField.FieldType;
mParentWindowProp = hostViewType.GetProperty("window", flags);
var savedGUIStateType = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SavedGUIState");
mCreateSavedGUIState = savedGUIStateType.GetMethod("Create", flags);
mApplyAndForgetMethod = savedGUIStateType.GetMethod("ApplyAndForget", flags);
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
mEditorDispatcherProp2020 = typeof(UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcher).GetProperty("editorDispatcher", flags);
mPushContextMethod2020 = mEditorDispatcherProp2020.PropertyType.GetMethod("PushDispatcherContext", flags);
mPopContextMethod2020 = mEditorDispatcherProp2020.PropertyType.GetMethod("PopDispatcherContext", flags);
flags = BindingFlags.NonPublic
| BindingFlags.Instance
| BindingFlags.Public;
mParentField = typeof(EditorWindow).GetField("m_Parent", flags);
if (mParentField != null)
hostViewType = mParentField.FieldType;
if (hostViewType != null)
mVisualTreeProp = hostViewType.GetProperty("visualTree");
if (mVisualTreeProp != null)
var visualTreeType = mVisualTreeProp.PropertyType;
if (visualTreeType != null)
mPanelProp = visualTreeType.GetProperty("panel");
if (mPanelProp != null)
var panelType = mPanelProp.PropertyType;
if (panelType != null)
mDispatcherProp = panelType.GetProperty("dispatcher");
if (mDispatcherProp != null)
mDispatcherType = mDispatcherProp.PropertyType;
if (mDispatcherType != null)
mPushContextMethod = mDispatcherType.GetMethod("PushDispatcherContext", flags);
mPopContextMethod = mDispatcherType.GetMethod("PopDispatcherContext", flags);
static MethodInfo BuildMakeModalMethodInfo(BindingFlags flags)
if (EditorVersion.IsCurrentEditorOlderThan("2019.3.10f1"))
return typeof(EditorWindow).GetMethod("MakeModal", flags);
return typeof(EditorWindow).GetMethod("Internal_MakeModal", flags);
static FieldInfo mParentField;
static PropertyInfo mParentWindowProp;
static MethodInfo mMakeModalMethod;
static MethodInfo mShowWithModeMethod;
static MethodInfo mCreateSavedGUIState;
static MethodInfo mApplyAndForgetMethod;
static PropertyInfo mVisualTreeProp;
static Type mDispatcherType;
static MethodInfo mPushContextMethod;
static MethodInfo mPopContextMethod;
static PropertyInfo mPanelProp;
static PropertyInfo mDispatcherProp;
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
static PropertyInfo mEditorDispatcherProp2020;
static MethodInfo mPushContextMethod2020;
static MethodInfo mPopContextMethod2020;
// // How ContainerWindows are visualized. Used with ContainerWindow.Show
// internal enum ShowMode
// {
// // Show as a normal window with max, min & close buttons.
// NormalWindow = 0,
// // Used for a popup menu. On mac this means light shadow and no titlebar.
// PopupMenu = 1,
// // Utility window - floats above the app. Disappears when app loses focus.
// Utility = 2,
// // Window has no shadow or decorations. Used internally for dragging stuff around.
// NoShadow = 3,
// // The Unity main window. On mac, this is the same as NormalWindow, except window doesn't have a close button.
// MainWindow = 4,
// // Aux windows. The ones that close the moment you move the mouse out of them.
// AuxWindow = 5,
// // Like PopupMenu, but without keyboard focus
// Tooltip = 6
// }