Faster Bhop

This commit is contained in:
Wizzard 2023-09-19 16:29:37 -04:00
parent b29f71e597
commit deccfca8e3
1 changed files with 15 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ static void autostrafe_legit(usercmd_t* cmd) {
static const float DEG2RAD_CACHED = M_PI / 180.0f;
static void autostrafe_rage(usercmd_t* cmd) {
if (i_pmove->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALK)
@ -48,12 +50,10 @@ static void autostrafe_rage(usercmd_t* cmd) {
float best_delta = acosf(term);
/* Use engine viewangles in case we do something nasty with cmd's angles */
vec3_t viewangles;
/* Get our desired angles and delta */
float yaw = DEG2RAD(viewangles.y);
float yaw = viewangles.y * DEG2RAD_CACHED;
float vel_dir = atan2f(i_pmove->velocity.y, i_pmove->velocity.x) - yaw;
float target_ang = atan2f(-cmd->sidemove, cmd->forwardmove);
float delta = angle_delta_rad(vel_dir, target_ang);
@ -101,18 +101,15 @@ void bhop(usercmd_t* cmd) {
void correct_movement(usercmd_t* cmd, vec3_t old_angles) {
float old_y = old_angles.y + (old_angles.y < 0 ? 360 : 0);
float new_y = cmd->viewangles.y + (cmd->viewangles.y < 0 ? 360 : 0);
float delta = (new_y < old_y) ? fabsf(new_y - old_y)
: 360 - fabsf(new_y - old_y);
float delta_y = fmodf(cmd->viewangles.y - old_angles.y + 540.0f, 360.0f) - 180.0f; // Normalized delta in [-180, 180)
delta = 360 - delta;
float delta_rad = delta_y * DEG2RAD_CACHED;
float delta_cos = cosf(delta_rad);
float delta_sin = sinf(delta_rad);
float forward = cmd->forwardmove;
float side = cmd->sidemove;
cmd->forwardmove =
cos(DEG2RAD(delta)) * forward + cos(DEG2RAD(delta + 90)) * side;
cmd->sidemove =
sin(DEG2RAD(delta)) * forward + sin(DEG2RAD(delta + 90)) * side;
cmd->forwardmove = delta_cos * forward - delta_sin * side;
cmd->sidemove = delta_sin * forward + delta_cos * side;