135 lines
5.6 KiB
135 lines
5.6 KiB
const { Client: SSHClient } = require('ssh2');
let sshConnection = null;
module.exports = {
name: 'ssh',
description: 'Manage an SSH connection. Subcommands: connect, exec, disconnect',
async execute(message, args, deleteTimeout) {
if (!args.length) {
return message.channel
.send("Usage: `.ssh <connect|exec|disconnect> ...`")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
const subcommand = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (subcommand === 'connect') {
if (args.length < 3) {
return message.channel
.send("Usage: `.ssh connect <host> <username> <password> [port]`")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
if (sshConnection) {
return message.channel
.send("Already connected. Disconnect first using `.ssh disconnect`.")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
const host = args[0];
const username = args[1];
const password = args[2];
const port = args[3] ? parseInt(args[3]) : 22;
sshConnection = new SSHClient();
.on('ready', () => {
.send(`Connected to ${host}`)
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
.on('error', (err) => {
.send(`SSH Connection error: ${err.message}`)
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
sshConnection = null;
.on('close', () => {
.send(`SSH Connection closed.`)
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
sshConnection = null;
sshConnection.connect({ host, port, username, password });
else if (subcommand === 'exec') {
if (!sshConnection) {
return message.channel
.send("No active SSH connection. Connect first using `.ssh connect ...`")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
if (!args.length) {
return message.channel
.send("Usage: `.ssh exec <command>`")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
const cmd = args.join(' ');
sshConnection.exec(cmd, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
return message.channel
.send(`Error executing command: ${err.message}`)
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
let outputBuffer = '';
message.channel.send(`Executing command: \`${cmd}\`\n\`\`\`\n...\n\`\`\``)
.then((sentMsg) => {
const updateInterval = setInterval(() => {
let display = outputBuffer;
if (display.length > 1900) {
display = display.slice(-1900);
sentMsg.edit(`Executing command: \`${cmd}\`\n\`\`\`\n${display}\n\`\`\``)
.catch(() => { });
}, 2000);
stream.on('data', (data) => {
outputBuffer += data.toString();
stream.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
outputBuffer += data.toString();
stream.on('close', (code, signal) => {
outputBuffer += `\nProcess exited with code ${code}${signal ? ' and signal ' + signal : ''}`;
let display = outputBuffer;
if (display.length > 1900) {
display = display.slice(-1900);
sentMsg.edit(`Executing command: \`${cmd}\`\n\`\`\`\n${display}\n\`\`\``)
.catch(() => { });
else if (subcommand === 'disconnect') {
if (!sshConnection) {
return message.channel
.send("No active SSH connection.")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
sshConnection = null;
return message.channel
.send("Disconnecting SSH...")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
else {
return message.channel
.send("Unknown subcommand. Use `connect`, `exec`, or `disconnect`.")
.then((msg) => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout));
}; |