let targetUserIds = new Set(); let isActive = false; let channelToWatch = null; let lastAddTimes = new Map(); const getRandomDelay = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 150; }; module.exports = { name: 'groupadd', description: 'Automatically re-adds users to group when they leave. Use multiple IDs for multiple targets.', async execute(message, args, deleteTimeout) { if (message.channel.type !== 'GROUP_DM') { message.channel.send('This command only works in group DMs.') .then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout)); return; } if (args[0]?.toLowerCase() === 'stop') { isActive = false; targetUserIds.clear(); lastAddTimes.clear(); channelToWatch = null; console.log('[GROUPADD] System deactivated'); message.channel.send('Group auto-add deactivated.') .then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout)); return; } const validIds = args.filter(id => /^\d{17,19}$/.test(id)); if (validIds.length === 0) { message.channel.send('Please provide at least one valid user ID.') .then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout)); return; } channelToWatch = message.channel; targetUserIds = new Set(validIds); isActive = true; console.log(`[GROUPADD] System activated - Targeting users: ${Array.from(targetUserIds).join(', ')}`); for (const userId of targetUserIds) { try { if (!channelToWatch.recipients.has(userId)) { console.log(`[GROUPADD] Target ${userId} not in group, attempting initial add`); await channelToWatch.addUser(userId); console.log(`[GROUPADD] Initial add successful for ${userId}`); } } catch (error) { console.log(`[GROUPADD] Initial add failed for ${userId}:`, error); } } message.client.on('channelRecipientRemove', async (channel, user) => { if (!isActive || channel.id !== channelToWatch.id || !targetUserIds.has(user.id)) return; const currentTime = Date.now(); const lastAddTime = lastAddTimes.get(user.id) || 0; const timeSinceLastAdd = currentTime - lastAddTime; if (timeSinceLastAdd < 1000) { console.log(`[GROUPADD] Rate limiting for ${user.id}, waiting...`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000 - timeSinceLastAdd)); } const delay = getRandomDelay(); console.log(`[GROUPADD] User ${user.id} left, waiting ${delay}ms before re-adding`); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); try { await channel.addUser(user.id); lastAddTimes.set(user.id, Date.now()); console.log(`[GROUPADD] Successfully re-added user ${user.id}`); } catch (error) { console.log(`[GROUPADD] Failed to re-add user ${user.id}:`, error); } }); const targetCount = targetUserIds.size; message.channel.send(`Now watching for ${targetCount} user${targetCount > 1 ? 's' : ''} to leave the group.`) .then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete().catch(() => { }), deleteTimeout)); }, };