require('dotenv').config(); const { Client } = require('discord.js-selfbot-v13'); const client = new Client(); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const BATCH_INTERVAL = 5000; let messageQueue = []; const channelMappings = { [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_1]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_1, [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_2]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_2, [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_3]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_3, [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_4]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_4, [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_5]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_5, [process.env.SOURCE_CHANNEL_ID_6]: process.env.TARGET_CHANNEL_ID_6, }; let includeImages = process.env.IMAGES === '1'; const COMMAND_CHANNEL_ID = process.env.COMMAND_CHANNEL_ID; const confPath = path.join(__dirname, 'conf'); const settingsFilePath = path.join(confPath, 'channelSettings.json'); if (!fs.existsSync(confPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(confPath, { recursive: true }); } let channelSettings = {}; if (fs.existsSync(settingsFilePath)) { channelSettings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settingsFilePath, 'utf8')); } else { channelSettings = { includeImages: {} }; fs.writeFileSync(settingsFilePath, JSON.stringify(channelSettings, null, 2)); } client.on('ready', () => { console.log(`${client.user.tag} is ready!`); client.user.setPresence({ status: 'invisible' }) setInterval(processMessageQueue, BATCH_INTERVAL); }); const outputsDir = path.join(__dirname, 'outputs'); if (!fs.existsSync(outputsDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(outputsDir, { recursive: true }); } function logMessageToFile(channelId, message) { const channelDir = path.join(outputsDir, channelId); if (!fs.existsSync(channelDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(channelDir, { recursive: true }); } const logFilePath = path.join(channelDir, 'messages_logged.txt'); fs.appendFile(logFilePath, message + '\n', err => { if (err) { console.error('Failed to log message to file:', err); } }); } client.on('messageCreate', async message => { if ( === COMMAND_CHANNEL_ID && message.content.startsWith('.toggleimages')) { const args = message.content.split(' '); if (args.length === 1) { let response = "Image forwarding status for channels:\n"; Object.keys(channelMappings).forEach(sourceChannelId => { const status = channelSettings.includeImages[sourceChannelId] ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"; response += `- <#${sourceChannelId}>: ${status}\n`; }); return => setTimeout(() => msg.delete(), 10000)); } else if (args.length === 2) { const channelId = args[1]; channelSettings.includeImages[channelId] = !channelSettings.includeImages[channelId]; fs.writeFileSync(settingsFilePath, JSON.stringify(channelSettings, null, 2)); return message.reply(`Image and link forwarding for channel <#${channelId}> is now ${channelSettings.includeImages[channelId] ? "enabled" : "disabled"}.`).then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete(), 5000)); } else { return message.reply("Usage: .toggleimages ").then(msg => setTimeout(() => msg.delete(), 5000)); } } if (channelMappings[]) { if ( === return; const includeImages = channelSettings.includeImages[] || false; let content = message.content; if (!includeImages) { content = content.replace(/https?:\/\/\S+/g, '[Link removed]'); } const timestamp = new Date(message.createdTimestamp).toISOString(); let attachmentUrls = ''; if (includeImages) { attachmentUrls = => a.url).join(' '); if (attachmentUrls) { attachmentUrls = ' ' + attachmentUrls; } } const formattedMessage = { content: `\`${timestamp}\` <@${}> / **${}**: ${content}${attachmentUrls} \`[Message ID: ${}]\``, target: channelMappings[] }; const formattedMessageForLog = `${timestamp} <@${}> / ${}: ${content}${attachmentUrls} [Message ID: ${}]`; logMessageToFile(, formattedMessageForLog); messageQueue.push(formattedMessage); } }); async function processMessageQueue() { if (messageQueue.length === 0) return; while (messageQueue.length > 0) { let batchMessage = ''; let targetChannelId = messageQueue[0].target; while (messageQueue.length > 0 && messageQueue[0].target === targetChannelId && (batchMessage.length + messageQueue[0].content.length) <= 2000) { const nextMessage = messageQueue.shift().content; if (batchMessage.length + nextMessage.length + 1 <= 2000) { batchMessage += nextMessage + '\n'; } else { const targetChannel = await client.channels.fetch(targetChannelId); await targetChannel.send(batchMessage); batchMessage = nextMessage + '\n'; // Start a new batch } } if (batchMessage.length > 0) { const targetChannel = await client.channels.fetch(targetChannelId); await targetChannel.send(batchMessage); } } } client.login(process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN);