Change Log ========== [master] -------- ### Added - Mouse support, controlled by `yank_with_mouse` and `yank_selection_mouse` (@keidax) [v2.3.0] 2018-02-01 ------------------- ### Added - Tmux 2.4 support (@docwhat, @edi9999) - Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) support via `clip.exe` (@lukewang1024) - "copy pane current directory" feature (@bruno-) - `yank_line` and `yank_pane_pwd` fork to prevent xclip from hanging Tmux (@leoalekseyev) * `yank_line` no longer cares if you use emacs or vi in copy-mode. ### Fixed - Detect git builds of tmux version ≥ 2.4 (@maximbaz PR#89) [v2.2.0] 2015-10-12 ------------------- ### Added - Support for custom copy command (if `xclip` and others aren't accessible, and you want to have your custom copy command) - Cygwin support via `putclip` command [v2.1.0] 2015-06-17 ------------------- ### Added - Add support for `xsel` on Linux (@ctjhoa) - Support for shell `vi` mode (@xnaveira) ### Updated - Make `reattach-to-user-namespace` on OS X optional (@bosr) - Deprecate Alty [v2.0.0] 2014-12-06 ------------------- ### Fixed - Change copy mode "put selection" key binding to Y so that vi mode Controly is not overridden. [v1.0.0] 2014-12-06 ------------------- ### Added - Show error message if plugin dependencies aren't installed. - Vagrant setup for manually testing Linux. ### Updated - `README` - Related plugin list - Instructions on updating `xclip` for Linux. ### Removed - The screen-cast is moved into `screencast` branch. [v0.0.4] 2014-07-29 ------------------- ### Updated - `README` documentation; including a screen-cast. [v0.0.3] 2014-06-29 ------------------- ### Added - Wait when doing "yank line" when using a remote shell (`ssh`, `mosh`) to ensure screen is updated. ### Fixed - Handle `yank-line` when used on the last line of buffer: copy multiple lines. - `yank-line` never yanks 'newline' char for multiple-line commands in shell (this is actually tmux/bash bug). ### Updated - Code cleanup. [v0.0.2] 2014-06-25 ------------------- ### Updated - `README` ### Added - In OS X: Check if `reattach-to-user-namespace` is installed. - "copy current command line" feature. [v0.0.1] 2014-06-24 ------------------- - First working version. Notes ----- This change log is kept in format. [master]: [v2.3.0]: [v2.2.0]: [v2.1.0]: [v2.0.0]: [v1.0.0]: [v0.0.4]: [v0.0.3]: [v0.0.2]: [v0.0.1]: