# Font configuration [font.normal] family = "terminal-font" style = "Regular" [font.bold] family = "terminal-font" style = "Bold" [font.italic] family = "terminal-font" style = "Italic" [font.bold_italic] family = "terminal-font" style = "Bold Italic" [font] size = 11.10 # You might want to start with the size you had before the switch. #offset = { x = 0, y = 0 } # Start with no offset and adjust as necessary. # The following settings can also affect the appearance of your fonts #use_thin_strokes = false # Set to `true` if you want thinner strokes. #glyph_offset = { x = 0, y = 0 } # Fine-tune the position of the glyphs. # Environment variables [env] TERM = "screen-256color" # Color scheme configuration [colors] [colors.primary] background = "#1F1D2C" foreground = "#c0c5ce" [colors.normal] black = "#44475a" red = "#ff5555" green = "#40c47a" yellow = "#dada6c" blue = "#bd93f9" magenta = "#ff79c6" cyan = "#8be9fd" white = "#bfbfbf" [colors.bright] black = "#4d4d4d" red = "#ff6e67" green = "#4dcd7f" yellow = "#e2e27c" blue = "#caa9fa" magenta = "#ff92d0" cyan = "#9aedfe" white = "#e6e6e6"