Catppuccin for Tmux

## Themes - 🌻 [Latte](./catppuccin-latte.tmuxtheme) - 🪴 [Frappé](./catppuccin-frappe.tmuxtheme) - 🌺 [Macchiato](./catppuccin-macchiato.tmuxtheme) - 🌿 [Mocha](./catppuccin-mocha.tmuxtheme) ## Usage ### TPM 1. Install [TPM](https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm) 2. Add the Catppuccin plugin: ```bash set -g @plugin 'catppuccin/tmux' # ...alongside set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm' ``` 3. (Optional) Set your preferred flavour, it defaults to `"mocha"`: ```bash set -g @catppuccin_flavour 'latte' # or frappe, macchiato, mocha ``` ### Manual 1. Copy your desired theme's configuration contents into your Tmux config (usually stored at `~/.tmux.conf`) 2. Reload Tmux by either restarting the session or reloading it with `tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf` #### Configuration options All flavours support certain levels of customization that match our [Catppuccin Style Guide][style-guide]. To add these customizations, add any of the following options to your Tmux configuration. In order to have the correct icons displayed please use your favorite nerd fonts patched font. ##### Enable window tabs By default, the theme places the `window-status` in the `status-right`. With `@catppuccin_window_tabs_enabled` set to `on`, the theme will place the directory within the `status-right` and move the window names to the `window-status` format variables. ```sh set -g @catppuccin_window_tabs_enabled on # or off to disable window_tabs ``` ##### Configure separator By default, the theme will use a round separator for left and right. To overwrite it use `@catppuccin_left_separator` and `@catppuccin_right_separator` ```sh set -g @catppuccin_left_separator "█" set -g @catppuccin_right_separator "█" ``` ##### Enable DateTime By default, the `date_time` componenet is set to off. It can be enabled by specifing any tmux date and time format. ```sh set -g @catppuccin_date_time "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" ``` ##### Enable User By default, the `user` componenet is set to off. It can be enabled by toggoling it on. ```sh set -g @catppuccin_user "on" ``` ##### Enable Host By default, the `host` componenet is set to off. It can be enabled by toggoling it on. ```sh set -g @catppuccin_host "on" ``` [style-guide]: https://github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin/blob/main/docs/style-guide.md ## 💝 Thanks to - [Pocco81](https://github.com/catppuccin) - [vinnyA3](https://github.com/vinnyA3) - [rogeruiz](https://github.com/rogeruiz)  

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