
757 lines
33 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (c) 2005-2023, PyInstaller Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2
# or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception)
import fnmatch
import glob
import hashlib
import marshal
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import py_compile
import shutil
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import zipfile
from PyInstaller import compat
from PyInstaller import log as logging
from PyInstaller.compat import (EXTENSION_SUFFIXES, is_darwin, is_win)
from PyInstaller.config import CONF
from PyInstaller.exceptions import InvalidSrcDestTupleError
from PyInstaller.utils import misc
if is_win:
from PyInstaller.utils.win32 import versioninfo
if is_darwin:
import PyInstaller.utils.osx as osxutils
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# -- Helpers for checking guts.
# NOTE: by _GUTS it is meant intermediate files and data structures that PyInstaller creates for bundling files and
# creating final executable.
def _check_guts_eq(attr_name, old_value, new_value, last_build):
Rebuild is required if values differ.
if old_value != new_value:"Building because %s changed", attr_name)
return True
return False
def _check_guts_toc_mtime(attr_name, old_toc, new_toc, last_build):
Rebuild is required if mtimes of files listed in old TOC are newer than last_build.
Use this for calculated/analysed values read from cache.
for dest_name, src_name, typecode in old_toc:
if misc.mtime(src_name) > last_build:"Building because %s changed", src_name)
return True
return False
def _check_guts_toc(attr_name, old_toc, new_toc, last_build):
Rebuild is required if either TOC content changed or mtimes of files listed in old TOC are newer than last_build.
Use this for input parameters.
return _check_guts_eq(attr_name, old_toc, new_toc, last_build) or \
_check_guts_toc_mtime(attr_name, old_toc, new_toc, last_build)
def add_suffix_to_extension(dest_name, src_name, typecode):
Take a TOC entry (dest_name, src_name, typecode) and adjust the dest_name for EXTENSION to include the full library
# No-op for non-extension
if typecode != 'EXTENSION':
return dest_name, src_name, typecode
# If dest_name completely fits into end of the src_name, it has already been processed.
if src_name.endswith(dest_name):
return dest_name, src_name, typecode
# Change the dotted name into a relative path. This places C extensions in the Python-standard location.
dest_name = dest_name.replace('.', os.sep)
# In some rare cases extension might already contain a suffix. Skip it in this case.
if os.path.splitext(dest_name)[1] not in EXTENSION_SUFFIXES:
# Determine the base name of the file.
base_name = os.path.basename(dest_name)
assert '.' not in base_name
# Use this file's existing extension. For extensions such as ``libzmq.cp36-win_amd64.pyd``, we cannot use
# ``os.path.splitext``, which would give only the ```.pyd`` part of the extension.
dest_name = dest_name + os.path.basename(src_name)[len(base_name):]
return dest_name, src_name, typecode
def process_collected_binary(
Process the collected binary using strip or UPX (or both), and apply any platform-specific processing. On macOS,
this rewrites the library paths in the headers, and (re-)signs the binary. On-disk cache is used to avoid processing
the same binary with same options over and over.
In addition to given arguments, this function also uses CONF['cachedir'] and CONF['upx_dir'].
from PyInstaller.config import CONF
# We need to use cache in the following scenarios:
# * extra binary processing due to use of `strip` or `upx`
# * building on macOS, where we need to rewrite library paths in binaries' headers and (re-)sign the binaries.
if not use_strip and not use_upx and not is_darwin:
return src_name
# Skip processing if this is Windows .manifest file. We used to process these as part of support for collecting
# WinSxS assemblies, but that was removed in PyInstaller 6.0. So in case we happen to get a .manifest file here,
# return it as-is.
if is_win and src_name.lower().endswith(".manifest"):
return src_name
# Match against provided UPX exclude patterns.
upx_exclude = upx_exclude or []
if use_upx:
src_path = pathlib.PurePath(src_name)
for upx_exclude_entry in upx_exclude:
# pathlib.PurePath.match() matches from right to left, and supports * wildcard, but does not support the
# "**" syntax for directory recursion. Case sensitivity follows the OS default.
if src_path.match(upx_exclude_entry):"Disabling UPX for %s due to match in exclude pattern: %s", src_name, upx_exclude_entry)
use_upx = False
# Prepare cache directory path. Cache is tied to python major/minor version, but also to various processing options.
pyver = f'py{sys.version_info[0]}{sys.version_info[1]}'
arch = platform.architecture()[0]
cache_dir = os.path.join(
if target_arch:
cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, target_arch)
if is_darwin:
# Separate by codesign identity
if codesign_identity:
# Compute hex digest of codesign identity string to prevent issues with invalid characters.
csi_hash = hashlib.sha256(codesign_identity.encode('utf-8'))
cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, csi_hash.hexdigest())
cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'adhoc') # ad-hoc signing
# Separate by entitlements
if entitlements_file:
# Compute hex digest of entitlements file contents
with open(entitlements_file, 'rb') as fp:
ef_hash = hashlib.sha256(
cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, ef_hash.hexdigest())
cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'no-entitlements')
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Load cache index, if available
cache_index_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, "index.dat")
cache_index = misc.load_py_data_struct(cache_index_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
cache_index = {}
except Exception:
# Tell the user they may want to fix their cache... However, do not delete it for them; if it keeps getting
# corrupted, we will never find out.
logger.warning("PyInstaller bincache may be corrupted; use pyinstaller --clean to fix it.")
# Look up the file in cache; use case-normalized destination name as identifier.
cached_id = os.path.normcase(dest_name)
cached_name = os.path.join(cache_dir, dest_name)
src_digest = _compute_file_digest(src_name)
if cached_id in cache_index:
# If digest matches to the cached digest, return the cached file...
if src_digest == cache_index[cached_id]:
return cached_name
# ... otherwise remove it.
cmd = None
if use_upx:
# If we are to apply both strip and UPX, apply strip first.
if use_strip:
src_name = process_collected_binary(
# We need to avoid using UPX with Windows DLLs that have Control Flow Guard enabled, as it breaks them.
if is_win and versioninfo.pefile_check_control_flow_guard(src_name):'Disabling UPX for %s due to CFG!', src_name)
elif misc.is_file_qt_plugin(src_name):'Disabling UPX for %s due to it being a Qt plugin!', src_name)
upx_exe = 'upx'
upx_dir = CONF['upx_dir']
if upx_dir:
upx_exe = os.path.join(upx_dir, upx_exe)
upx_options = [
# Do not compress icons, so that they can still be accessed externally.
# Use LZMA compression.
# Quiet mode.
if is_win:
# Binaries built with Visual Studio 7.1 require --strip-loadconf or they will not compress.
cmd = [upx_exe, *upx_options, cached_name]
elif use_strip:
strip_options = []
if is_darwin:
# The default strip behavior breaks some shared libraries under macOS.
strip_options = ["-S"] # -S = strip only debug symbols.
cmd = ["strip", *strip_options, cached_name]
# Ensure parent path exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cached_name), exist_ok=True)
# Use `shutil.copyfile` to copy the file with default permissions bits, then manually set executable
# bits. This way, we avoid copying permission bits and metadata from the original file, which might be too
# restrictive for further processing (read-only permissions, immutable flag on FreeBSD, and so on).
shutil.copyfile(src_name, cached_name)
os.chmod(cached_name, 0o755)
if cmd:"Executing: %s", " ".join(cmd)), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# On macOS, we need to modify the given binary's paths to the dependent libraries, in order to ensure they are
# relocatable and always refer to location within the frozen application. Specifically, we make all dependent
# library paths relative to @rpath, and set @rpath to point to the top-level application directory, relative to
# the binary's location (i.e., @loader_path).
# While modifying the headers invalidates existing signatures, we avoid removing them in order to speed things up
# (and to avoid potential bugs in the codesign utility, like the one reported on Mac OS 10.13 in #6167).
# The forced re-signing at the end should take care of the invalidated signatures.
if is_darwin:
osxutils.binary_to_target_arch(cached_name, target_arch, display_name=src_name)
#osxutils.remove_signature_from_binary(cached_name) # Disabled as per comment above.
target_rpath = str(
pathlib.PurePath('@loader_path', *['..' for level in pathlib.PurePath(dest_name)])
osxutils.set_dylib_dependency_paths(cached_name, target_rpath)
osxutils.sign_binary(cached_name, codesign_identity, entitlements_file)
except osxutils.InvalidBinaryError:
# Raised by osxutils.binary_to_target_arch when the given file is not a valid macOS binary (for example,
# a linux .so file; see issue #6327). The error prevents any further processing, so just ignore it.
except osxutils.IncompatibleBinaryArchError:
# Raised by osxutils.binary_to_target_arch when the given file does not contain (all) required arch slices.
# Depending on the strict validation mode, re-raise or swallow the error.
# Strict validation should be enabled only for binaries where the architecture *must* match the target one,
# i.e., the extension modules. Everything else is pretty much a gray area, for example:
# * a universal2 extension may have its x86_64 and arm64 slices linked against distinct single-arch/thin
# shared libraries
# * a collected executable that is launched by python code via a subprocess can be x86_64-only, even though
# the actual python code is running on M1 in native arm64 mode.
if strict_arch_validation:
logger.debug("File %s failed optional architecture validation - collecting as-is!", src_name)
except Exception as e:
raise SystemError(f"Failed to process binary {cached_name!r}!") from e
# Update cache index
cache_index[cached_id] = src_digest
misc.save_py_data_struct(cache_index_file, cache_index)
return cached_name
def _compute_file_digest(filename):
hasher = hashlib.md5()
with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
for chunk in iter(lambda: * 1024), b""):
return bytearray(hasher.digest())
def _check_path_overlap(path):
Check that path does not overlap with WORKPATH or SPECPATH (i.e., WORKPATH and SPECPATH may not start with path,
which could be caused by a faulty hand-edited specfile).
Raise SystemExit if there is overlap, return True otherwise
from PyInstaller.config import CONF
specerr = 0
if CONF['workpath'].startswith(path):
logger.error('Specfile error: The output path "%s" contains WORKPATH (%s)', path, CONF['workpath'])
specerr += 1
if CONF['specpath'].startswith(path):
logger.error('Specfile error: The output path "%s" contains SPECPATH (%s)', path, CONF['specpath'])
specerr += 1
if specerr:
raise SystemExit(
'Error: Please edit/recreate the specfile (%s) and set a different output name (e.g. "dist").' %
return True
def _make_clean_directory(path):
Create a clean directory from the given directory name.
if _check_path_overlap(path):
if os.path.isdir(path) or os.path.isfile(path):
except OSError:
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
def _rmtree(path):
Remove directory and all its contents, but only after user confirmation, or if the -y option is set.
from PyInstaller.config import CONF
if CONF['noconfirm']:
choice = 'y'
elif sys.stdout.isatty():
choice = input(
'WARNING: The output directory "%s" and ALL ITS CONTENTS will be REMOVED! Continue? (y/N)' % path
raise SystemExit(
'Error: The output directory "%s" is not empty. Please remove all its contents or use the -y option (remove'
' output directory without confirmation).' % path
if choice.strip().lower() == 'y':
if not CONF['noconfirm']:
print("On your own risk, you can use the option `--noconfirm` to get rid of this question.")'Removing dir %s', path)
raise SystemExit('User aborted')
# TODO Refactor to prohibit empty target directories. As the docstring below documents, this function currently permits
# the second item of each 2-tuple in "hook.datas" to be the empty string, in which case the target directory defaults to
# the source directory's basename. However, this functionality is very fragile and hence bad. Instead:
# * An exception should be raised if such item is empty.
# * All hooks currently passing the empty string for such item (e.g.,
# "hooks/", "hooks/") should be refactored
# to instead pass such basename.
def format_binaries_and_datas(binaries_or_datas, workingdir=None):
Convert the passed list of hook-style 2-tuples into a returned set of `TOC`-style 2-tuples.
Elements of the passed list are 2-tuples `(source_dir_or_glob, target_dir)`.
Elements of the returned set are 2-tuples `(target_file, source_file)`.
For backwards compatibility, the order of elements in the former tuples are the reverse of the order of elements in
the latter tuples!
binaries_or_datas : list
List of hook-style 2-tuples (e.g., the top-level `binaries` and `datas` attributes defined by hooks) whose:
* The first element is either:
* A glob matching only the absolute or relative paths of source non-Python data files.
* The absolute or relative path of a source directory containing only source non-Python data files.
* The second element is the relative path of the target directory into which these source files will be
recursively copied.
If the optional `workingdir` parameter is passed, source paths may be either absolute or relative; else, source
paths _must_ be absolute.
workingdir : str
Optional absolute path of the directory to which all relative source paths in the `binaries_or_datas`
parameter will be prepended by (and hence converted into absolute paths) _or_ `None` if these paths are to be
preserved as relative. Defaults to `None`.
Set of `TOC`-style 2-tuples whose:
* First element is the absolute or relative path of a target file.
* Second element is the absolute or relative path of the corresponding source file to be copied to this target
toc_datas = set()
for src_root_path_or_glob, trg_root_dir in binaries_or_datas:
# Disallow empty source path. Those are typically result of errors, and result in implicit collection of the
# whole current working directory, which is never a good idea.
if not src_root_path_or_glob:
raise InvalidSrcDestTupleError(
(src_root_path_or_glob, trg_root_dir),
"Empty SRC is not allowed when adding binary and data files, as it would result in collection of the "
"whole current working directory."
if not trg_root_dir:
raise InvalidSrcDestTupleError(
(src_root_path_or_glob, trg_root_dir),
"Empty DEST_DIR is not allowed - to collect files into application's top-level directory, use "
# Disallow absolute target paths, as well as target paths that would end up pointing outside of the
# application's top-level directory.
if os.path.isabs(trg_root_dir):
raise InvalidSrcDestTupleError((src_root_path_or_glob, trg_root_dir), "DEST_DIR must be a relative path!")
if os.path.normpath(trg_root_dir).startswith('..'):
raise InvalidSrcDestTupleError(
(src_root_path_or_glob, trg_root_dir),
"DEST_DIR must not point outside of application's top-level directory!",
# Convert relative to absolute paths if required.
if workingdir and not os.path.isabs(src_root_path_or_glob):
src_root_path_or_glob = os.path.join(workingdir, src_root_path_or_glob)
# Normalize paths.
src_root_path_or_glob = os.path.normpath(src_root_path_or_glob)
if os.path.isfile(src_root_path_or_glob):
src_root_paths = [src_root_path_or_glob]
# List of the absolute paths of all source paths matching the current glob.
src_root_paths = glob.glob(src_root_path_or_glob)
if not src_root_paths:
raise SystemExit(f'Unable to find {src_root_path_or_glob!r} when adding binary and data files.')
for src_root_path in src_root_paths:
if os.path.isfile(src_root_path):
# Normalizing the result to remove redundant relative paths (e.g., removing "./" from "trg/./file").
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(trg_root_dir, os.path.basename(src_root_path))),
elif os.path.isdir(src_root_path):
for src_dir, src_subdir_basenames, src_file_basenames in os.walk(src_root_path):
# Ensure the current source directory is a subdirectory of the passed top-level source directory.
# Since os.walk() does *NOT* follow symlinks by default, this should be the case. (But let's make
# sure.)
assert src_dir.startswith(src_root_path)
# Relative path of the current target directory, obtained by:
# * Stripping the top-level source directory from the current source directory (e.g., removing
# "/top" from "/top/dir").
# * Normalizing the result to remove redundant relative paths (e.g., removing "./" from
# "trg/./file").
trg_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(trg_root_dir, os.path.relpath(src_dir, src_root_path)))
for src_file_basename in src_file_basenames:
src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, src_file_basename)
if os.path.isfile(src_file):
# Normalize the result to remove redundant relative paths (e.g., removing "./" from
# "trg/./file").
os.path.normpath(os.path.join(trg_dir, src_file_basename)), os.path.normpath(src_file)
return toc_datas
def get_code_object(modname, filename):
Get the code-object for a module.
This is a simplifed non-performant version which circumvents __pycache__.
if filename in ('-', None):
# This is a NamespacePackage, modulegraph marks them by using the filename '-'. (But wants to use None, so
# check for None, too, to be forward-compatible.)
logger.debug('Compiling namespace package %s', modname)
txt = '#\n'
code_object = compile(txt, filename, 'exec')
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == '.pyc':
# The module is available in binary-only form. Read the contents of .pyc file using helper function, which
# supports reading from either stand-alone or archive-embedded .pyc files.
logger.debug('Reading code object from .pyc file %s', filename)
pyc_data = _read_pyc_data(filename)
code_object = marshal.loads(pyc_data[16:])
# Assume this is a source .py file, but allow an arbitrary extension (other than .pyc, which is taken in
# the above branch). This allows entry-point scripts to have an arbitrary (or no) extension, as tested by
# the `test_arbitrary_ext` in ``.
logger.debug('Compiling python script/module file %s', filename)
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
source =
# If entry-point script has no suffix, append .py when compiling the source. In POSIX builds, the executable
# has no suffix either; this causes issues with `traceback` module, as it tries to read the executable file
# when trying to look up the code for the entry-point script (when current working directory contains the
# executable).
_, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
if not ext:
logger.debug("Appending .py to compiled entry-point name...")
filename += '.py'
code_object = compile(source, filename, 'exec')
except SyntaxError:
logger.warning("Sytnax error while compiling %s", filename)
return code_object
def strip_paths_in_code(co, new_filename=None):
# Paths to remove from filenames embedded in code objects
replace_paths = sys.path + CONF['pathex']
# Make sure paths end with os.sep and the longest paths are first
replace_paths = sorted((os.path.join(f, '') for f in replace_paths), key=len, reverse=True)
if new_filename is None:
original_filename = os.path.normpath(co.co_filename)
for f in replace_paths:
if original_filename.startswith(f):
new_filename = original_filename[len(f):]
return co
code_func = type(co)
consts = tuple(
strip_paths_in_code(const_co, new_filename) if isinstance(const_co, code_func) else const_co
for const_co in co.co_consts
return co.replace(co_consts=consts, co_filename=new_filename)
def _should_include_system_binary(binary_tuple, exceptions):
Return True if the given binary_tuple describes a system binary that should be included.
Exclude all system library binaries other than those with "lib-dynload" in the destination or "python" in the
source, except for those matching the patterns in the exceptions list. Intended to be used from the Analysis
exclude_system_libraries method.
dest = binary_tuple[0]
if dest.startswith('lib-dynload'):
return True
src = binary_tuple[1]
if fnmatch.fnmatch(src, '*python*'):
return True
if not src.startswith('/lib') and not src.startswith('/usr/lib'):
return True
for exception in exceptions:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(dest, exception):
return True
return False
def compile_pymodule(name, src_path, workpath, code_cache=None):
Given the TOC entry (name, path, typecode) for a pure-python module, compile the module in the specified working
directory, and return the TOC entry for collecting the byte-compiled module. No-op for typecodes other than
# Construct the target .pyc filename in the workpath
split_name = name.split(".")
if "__init__" in src_path:
# __init__ module; use "__init__" as module name, and construct parent path using all components of the
# fully-qualified name
parent_dirs = split_name
mod_basename = "__init__"
# Regular module; use last component of the fully-qualified name as module name, and the rest as the parent
# path.
parent_dirs = split_name[:-1]
mod_basename = split_name[-1]
pyc_path = os.path.join(workpath, *parent_dirs, mod_basename + '.pyc')
# If .pyc file already exists in our workpath, check if we can re-use it. For that:
# - its modification timestamp must be newer than that of the source file
# - it must be compiled for compatible python version
if os.path.exists(pyc_path):
can_reuse = False
if misc.mtime(pyc_path) > misc.mtime(src_path):
with open(pyc_path, 'rb') as fh:
can_reuse = == compat.BYTECODE_MAGIC
if can_reuse:
return pyc_path
# Ensure the existence of parent directories for the target pyc path
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pyc_path), exist_ok=True)
# Check if optional cache contains module entry
code_object = code_cache.get(name, None) if code_cache else None
if code_object is None:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(src_path)
ext = ext.lower()
if ext == '.py':
# Source py file; compile...
py_compile.compile(src_path, pyc_path)
# ... and read the contents
with open(pyc_path, 'rb') as fp:
pyc_data =
elif ext == '.pyc':
# The module is available in binary-only form. Read the contents of .pyc file using helper function, which
# supports reading from either stand-alone or archive-embedded .pyc files.
pyc_data = _read_pyc_data(src_path)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid python module file {src_path}; unhandled extension {ext}!")
# Unmarshal code object; this is necessary if we want to strip paths from it
code_object = marshal.loads(pyc_data[16:])
# Strip code paths from the code object
code_object = strip_paths_in_code(code_object)
# Write module file
with open(pyc_path, 'wb') as fh:
fh.write(struct.pack('<I', 0b01)) # PEP-552: hash-based pyc, check_source=False
fh.write(b'\00' * 8) # Zero the source hash
marshal.dump(code_object, fh)
# Return output path
return pyc_path
def _read_pyc_data(filename):
Helper for reading data from .pyc files. Supports both stand-alone and archive-embedded .pyc files. Used by
`compile_pymodule` and `get_code_object` helper functions.
src_file = pathlib.Path(filename)
if src_file.is_file():
# Stand-alone .pyc file.
pyc_data = src_file.read_bytes()
# Check if .pyc file is stored in a .zip archive, as is the case for stdlib modules in embeddable
# python on Windows.
parent_zip_file = misc.path_to_parent_archive(src_file)
if parent_zip_file is not None and zipfile.is_zipfile(parent_zip_file):
with zipfile.ZipFile(parent_zip_file, 'r') as zip_archive:
# NOTE: zip entry names must be in POSIX format, even on Windows!
zip_entry_name = str(src_file.relative_to(parent_zip_file).as_posix())
pyc_data =
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find .pyc file {filename!r}!")
# Verify the python version
if pyc_data[:4] != compat.BYTECODE_MAGIC:
raise ValueError(f"The .pyc module {filename} was compiled for incompatible version of python!")
return pyc_data
def postprocess_binaries_toc_pywin32(binaries):
Process the given `binaries` TOC list to apply work around for `pywin32` package, fixing the target directory
for collected extensions.
# Ensure that all files collected from `win32` or `pythonwin` into top-level directory are put back into
# their corresponding directories. They end up in top-level directory because `pywin32.pth` adds both
# directories to the `sys.path`, so they end up visible as top-level directories. But these extensions
# might in fact be linked against each other, so we should preserve the directory layout for consistency
# between modulegraph-discovered extensions and linked binaries discovered by link-time dependency analysis.
# Within the same framework, also consider `pywin32_system32`, just in case.
PYWIN32_SUBDIRS = {'win32', 'pythonwin', 'pywin32_system32'}
processed_binaries = []
for dest_name, src_name, typecode in binaries:
dest_path = pathlib.PurePath(dest_name)
src_path = pathlib.PurePath(src_name)
if dest_path.parent == pathlib.PurePath('.') and in PYWIN32_SUBDIRS:
dest_path = pathlib.PurePath( / dest_path
dest_name = str(dest_path)
processed_binaries.append((dest_name, src_name, typecode))
return processed_binaries
def postprocess_binaries_toc_pywin32_anaconda(binaries):
Process the given `binaries` TOC list to apply work around for Anaconda `pywin32` package, fixing the location
of collected `pywintypes3X.dll` and `pythoncom3X.dll`.
# The Anaconda-provided `pywin32` package installs three copies of `pywintypes3X.dll` and `pythoncom3X.dll`,
# located in the following directories (relative to the environment):
# - Library/bin
# - Lib/site-packages/pywin32_system32
# - Lib/site-packages/win32
# This turns our dependency scanner and directory layout preservation mechanism into a lottery based on what
# `pywin32` modules are imported and in what order. To keep things simple, we deal with this insanity by
# post-processing the `binaries` list, modifying the destination of offending copies, and let the final TOC
# list normalization deal with potential duplicates.
processed_binaries = []
for dest_name, src_name, typecode in binaries:
# Check if we need to divert - based on the destination base name and destination parent directory.
dest_path = pathlib.PurePath(dest_name)
if in DLL_CANDIDATES and dest_path.parent in DUPLICATE_DIRS:
dest_path = pathlib.PurePath("pywin32_system32") /
dest_name = str(dest_path)
processed_binaries.append((dest_name, src_name, typecode))
return processed_binaries